1999 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: Charles Bartsch <cbartsch@nemw.org>
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 16:02:54 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: Re: Brownfields Statistics

I want to echo Barbara Coler's very solid response.  The 450,000 figure is
really just a "guesstimate".  I have collected some information from states
on the numbers of sites that have gone through their VCPs, but as Barbara
points out, these programs, their eligiblity criteria, and reporting
mechanisms vary.  This makes it difficult to come up with valid aggregates.
 Unquestionably, though, there has been significant brownfields reuse
activity across the country since 1993, and the state programs -- whatever
their parameters -- have played a central role in this. 

Good luck on your thesis!  There have been some excelent examples of
brownfield cleanup and reuse in Rhose Island.    

At 09:33 AM 4/27/99 -0700, you wrote:
>I am a student at Brown University and am currently writing a senior thesis
>about a brownfields project in Providence, Rhode Island.  I have been
>following the group's dialogue throughout the school year and found the
>information to be extremely helpful. 
>In so far, I have completed the majority of my thesis research and am
>touching up a final draft.  To complete my thesis I am need of obtaining a
>piece of statistical information regarding brownfields.  I would like to
>pose a question to the group and would be very appreciative if someone
>could point me in the right direction.   The General Accounting Office has
>estimated that there are approximately 450,000 brownfields in the United
>States.  My question is:  Of the 450,000 sites, how many have been
>remediated since 1993? 
>Thank you for your time and help.     

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