1999 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: Amber Evans <aevans@uclink4.berkeley.edu>
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 11:07:46 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: Question re: Revolving Loan Fund and small business assistance strategies for brownfield reuse
I am a Masters Student in Planning at UC Berkeley. Spurred by the lively
discussion of barriers to "Mom and Pop" use of brownfields, I am now
writing a paper exploring policy strategies for small business development
on brownfield sites.  While I am particularly targeting strategies
applicable to California - transferable experience is greatly appreciated.
Any suggestions of resources, personally tried efforts,  and any progress
with the Revolving Loan Fund - which last I had heard had not yet been used
for making a loan (please update me if not the case as well as offering any
explanations as to barriers in use, particularly for small businesses).

Also are there examples of successful development of business incubators on
former brownfields anyone is aware of?  Or failed attempts - this economic
development strategy strikes me as possible avenue for getting large enough
players with institutional capacity for legal, technical, fiscal etc..
involved while supporting local business development and institutional
capacity.  Any thoughts on this are appreciated as well.

Amber Evans
MCP 1999, UCB

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