1999 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: Pascual.Romel@epamail.epa.gov
Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 16:19:54 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: Environmental Justice Seminar in California

Environmental Justice in California

An Environmental Law Institute Seminar in Los Angeles

Over the past five years, the issue of environmental justice--
disproportionate adverse environmental impacts on lower
income and minority communities -- has been of growing
importance in the state of California. Environmental justice
concerns have been raised in the state legislature, state agencies
implementing environmental programs, the permitting process,
and the courts.  At the national level, a recent release of a
National Academy of Science - Institute of Medicine report on
environmental justice urges agencies to "exercise caution" on
behalf of impacted minority communities where scientific
information is incomplete, and the U.S. EPA has gone back to
the drawing board with policy guidance on environmental justice.

Please join Felicia Marcus (Administrator, EPA Region 9),
Dominique Shelton (Folger Levin & Kahn LLP and member,
South Coast Air Quality Management District's Environmental
Justice Task Force), and Anne Simon (Senior Attorney,
Communities for a Better Environment) for a discussion on
environmental justice in California.  Speakers will examine state
agency, legislative, and judicial efforts that may address
environmental justice concerns.  Gene Lucero (Latham &
Watkins) and ELI President J. William Futrell will co-host the

WHEN:     Thursday, May 20, noon to 2 pm

WHERE:    Latham & Watkins, 6th Floor, 633 West 5th
Street, Los Angeles, CA

RSVP:          (202) 939-3858 or email <<mcmurrin@eli.org>

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