1999 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: peter strauss <pstrauss@igc.apc.org>
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:53:16 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: Re: help: Re-use of Concrete underground Storage tanks


I was in Panama last year and one of the Navy folks told me that someone
had bought some of the tanks (I believe 567,000 gallons), cut them in
half, and are now using them as barges in the Canal.  Did not see it,
but the story sounded true.

Peter Strauss

cpeo@cpeo.org wrote:
> Original message from Bob Gilstein (bobgil@portsmouthri.com)
> I am looking for sources of information on re-use of giant concrete
> underground fuel storage tanks built for the Navy during WWII, and soon to
> be surplussed.  Wastewater treatment, geothermal energy production,
> aquaculture are a few ideas, but we have no idea if feasible.  Any
> references, technical and funding would be very helpful.  You can call me
> at 401-683-0888 or e-mail me at bobgil@portsmouthri.com.  Thanks.
> Bob Gilstein, Portsmouth Town Planner

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