1999 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: Rhofrichter@naccho.org
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 11:59:04 -0800 (PST)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] FW: Indoor Air Quality Training Grants

The National Association of County & City Health Officials (NACCHO)
announces the training opportunity listed below 


Urban Schools Indoor Air Quality Training Grants

Asthma and other respiratory illnesses have been escalating in epidemic
proportion, especially among low-income, urban populations.  The indoor
air quality in school buildings can be problematic for people with
asthma for a number of reasons (e.g., poor ventilation, improper
maintenance of heating and cooling units, etc.).  Asthma is the number
one leading cause of absenteeism in schools, due to chronic illness.
However, by working proactively with the staff, students, parents, local
public health agency, and community organizations, the indoor air
quality in schools can be markedly improved.  

The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) is
soliciting applications for Indoor Air Quality in Schools Trainings to
be conducted in by the end of the Year 2000 in low-income, urban areas
(see Funding Criteria for definition).  The trainings will be developed
and organized by the applicant in coordination with a local planning
committee, NACCHO, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
and will focus on EPA's Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Tools for Schools
program.  This funding is intended to encourage the implementation and
evaluation of the IAQ Tools for Schools program in low-income, urban

IAQ Tools for Schools Action Kit (Kit) shows schools how to carry out a
practical plan of action to improve indoor air quality at little or no
cost using in-house staff. The Kit provides simple-to-follow checklists,
background information, sample memos and policies, a recommended IAQ
Management Plan, and a unique IAQ Problem Solving Wheel. Ten appendices
include information on topics such as hiring outside assistance, and
mold and moisture control. More information can be found on the EPA
website at www.epa.gove/iaq/schools/index.html. 

NACCHO encourages local school and public health personnel,
environmental justice organizations, asthma groups, healthy school
coalitions, parents groups, and others concerned about improving the
indoor air quality in schools to apply for this funding.  

Training Goals

1) Lower risk from asthma and other respiratory illnesses in low-income,
urban schools by improving the indoor air quality through changes based
on the Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Program; and,

2) Inform training participants of the causes and effects of poor indoor
air quality in school buildings and methods to prevent, identify and
solve these problems; and, 

3) Evaluate the IAQ Tools for Schools Program in low-income, urban

Funding Criteria

*	Training to be conducted in, and focus on, cities and towns with
a population of 100,000 or greater.

*	Training to target schools or school jurisdictions in which
approximately 50% of the school children receive subsidized or free
school lunches  

*	Commitment from the applicant to form a local planning committee
in coordination with NACCHO and EPA to develop, conduct and evaluate the
training (see applicant responsibilities below).

Any local government agency or non-profit organization with an interest
in preventing indoor air quality and asthma problems in schools is
eligible and encouraged to apply for this funding.  

Training Participants
School and public health personnel, as well as parents, environmental
justice advocates, non-profit groups, and community members interested
in working to reduce IAQ/asthma problems in schools are the primary
audience for the trainings.  A minimum audience of 20 training
participants is required; total number of participants will vary
depending on the needs and size of the targeted school(s).

NACCHO, in collaboration with EPA, will provide up to $7,000 for the
training and all grant reporting requirements (budgets, reports, etc.).
Funding does not cover cost of time of grantee to coordinate the
training.  An additional $1,000 is available to the targeted school(s)
for follow-up activities including, implementing and evaluating the IAQ
Tools for Schools program and other school IAQ and/or asthma activities.

Applicant Responsibilities
*	Create and coordinate a local planning committee of stakeholders
to work in coordination with NACCHO and EPA to develop, conduct and
evaluate the training.  This includes developing the training agenda,
training logistics, marketing, registration, evaluation, and other
duties as necessary.

*	Evaluate the IAQ Tools for Schools program on ease of use,
participants (e.g. school facilities staff, teachers, parents, public
health professionals, community) and short-term changes implemented such
as budget allocations for building maintenance, best practices, cleaning
products, etc.

*	Assist NACCHO and EPA with long-term training evaluation (e.g.,
number of IAQ Tools for Schools programs implemented after the training
and what changes were instituted as a result, such as more frequent
maintenance of equipment, etc.).

*	Complete all NACCHO and EPA reporting requirements (includes
names and contact information for all training participants; a final
report providing training outcomes and feedback on the IAQ Tools for
Schools program; and documentation of all program expenses.)

Training Dates
Trainings are to be conducted in the Year 2000.  

Applications are due to NACCHO by February 9, 2000.  In 5 pages or less,
please describe the following:

*	Applicant qualifications including experience in forming
partnerships, conducting and/or coordinating trainings (or other
events), implementing evaluation and tracking procedures, and managing
grants (e.g., submitting reports, budgets, etc.); 

*	Target school(s)and/or school district information, including
school(s) population, ethnic demographic breakdown, and the number of
free or subsidized lunches;

*	Target school(s) and/or school district and local public health
agency's commitment to the training, as well as other community partners
(e.g., parent and/or teacher associations, environmental justice groups,
American Lung Association, and asthma organizations) (see letters of
support section below);

*	Need for the training in the targeted school(s) and/or school
district (e.g. asthma rates, previous IAQ problems, community interest);

*	Desired training outcomes and how they will be measured;

*	Existing IAQ/asthma activities in the targeted school(s) and/or
school district and stakeholders involved; and

*	Responsibility for IAQ in the targeted school(s) and/or school
district, including number and types of positions and scope of

Letters of Support
In addition to five page description, attach at least one letter of
support agreeing to participate in the local planning committee from
each of the following:

1.	Targeted school(s) and/or school district;

2.	Local public health agency*; and

3.	Other partners (e.g., parent and/or teacher associations,
environmental justice organizations, asthma groups, American Lung
Association, etc.)

*NACCHO can provide contact information for your local public health
agency.  If you would like assistance contact Beth Resnick (202)
783-5550 x 221 or bresnick@naccho.org.

The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) is
a non-profit membership organization serving all 3,000 local public
health agencies nationwide.  NACCHO provides education, information,
research, and technical information to local public health agencies; and
facilitates partnerships among local, state and federal agencies and
organizations, in order to promote and strengthen public health.  More
information on NACCHO's programs and activities can be found on the
NACCHO website at www.naccho.org. 

Please send all applications to Leslie Fields, NACCHO, 1100 17th Street,
N.W., Second Floor, Washington, D.C. 20036.  Contact Beth Resnick with
any questions phone (202) 783-5550 x 2221, fax 202-783-1583 or e-mail
bresnick@naccho.org.  11/30/99

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