2000 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: KREIDER.ANDREW@epamail.epa.gov
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2000 15:14:39 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] NYT Article - Bush and Brownfields

FYI from today's New York Times:

Partial text is also pasted below.

Andrew Kreider
US EPA, Office of Air and Radiation
202-564-1423 (phone)
202-565-2156 (fax)

Bush Plans to Ease Rules for Use of Polluted Land


HARRISBURG, Pa., April 3 --
     Unveiling his first set of detailed
environmental proposals since he began
his presidential campaign, Gov. George
W. Bush announced a plan today to
hasten the cleanup of contaminated,
abandoned industrial sites by easing
certain federal regulations, protecting
redevelopers from federal liability and
giving states broader discretion over the
use of federal funds.

The sites, known as brownfields, are
especially prevalent in and near cities,
and Mr. Bush said that excessive federal
interference had created disincentives for
companies to rehabilitate these
properties and instead encouraged them
to seek out undeveloped sites for their

"The old system of mandate, regulate and
litigate only sends potential developers
off in search of greener pastures --
literally," the Texas governor said in a
speech at a manufacturing plant outside
Pittsburgh that was built on newly
purified ground. "Brownfields get passed
over, while greenfields get paved over."

Mr. Bush added that he and other
Republican governors had introduced
successful initiatives to stem that trend,
but had done so almost in spite of the
current administration.


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