2000 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: CPEO Moderator <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 17:05:49 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] Phoenix Awards

The Phoenix Awards

The Phoenix Awards were created in 1997 to recognize individuals and groups
who are working to solve the critical environmental problem of transforming
abandoned industrial areas into productive new uses. The awards honor
individuals and groups that have implemented innovative, yet practical,
programs that remediated environmental contamination at brownfield sites
and simultaneously stimulated economic development and job creation or
retention. The awards seek to showcase these successful solutions and
publicize these premier redevelopment projects as models for other
communities around the country. 

The awards will be presented at the National Brownfields 2000 Conference in
Atlantic City, New Jersey, October 11-13. One winner will be selected from
each of EPA's ten regions, and a grand prize winner will be selected from
among this group.

Awards winners will receive a Phoenix Award crystal figure, national
publicity in a variety of professional journals and newspapers, and are
afforded an opportunity to highlight their successes and showcase their
projects at the Brownfield 2000 Conference.  


Any individual, group, company, organization, government body or agency is
eligible to apply for a Phoenix Award. Applications may be submitted by an
individual involved in the project or by a third party, with the primary
project coordinator (e.g. property owner, environmental engineering firm,
or project developer) or the entire project team listed as the applicant.

In order to be considered, the brownfield redevelopment project must have
been completed by March 1, 2000. Projects are deemed "complete" if the
end-use enterprise is presently conducting business at the site. Past
Phoenix winners are not eligible for the 2000 awards.        


Successful applications will demonstrate measurable results and/or impact
of the remediation project. An independent panel of state, regional and
federal government leaders , along with environmental, business and
academic professionals will select the winners. The judges will evaluate
each application based on responses to specific questions related to the
project's overall effectiveness, use of innovative environmental solutions
and impact on the environment and local economy.

Major emphasis is placed on 4 topics: 

* the magnitude of the problems and project 
* use of innovative techniques 
* cooperative efforts of multiple parties to undertake the project
(including innovative financing solutions) * the project's general and
economic impacts on the community

All applications must be received by June 30, 2000. Applications received
after this date will not be considered for the Phoenix Awards and will be
returned to the sender. Receipt of applications will be acknowledged by mail.

If you have any questions about the Phoenix Awards nominations, criteria or
process, please contact:

(717) 787-6264                             
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