2000 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: willis-frances.ren@ev.state.az.us
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2000 09:18:42 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: RE: [CPEO-BIF] brownfields reading list suggestion -- please advise.
One of the best graduate seminars I ever witnessed was on Global Change,
at ASU.  It's taught by Carol Tang tang@asu.edu.  I haven't followed this
format yet.

Dr. Tang used articles.  The first session she provided background
information, in a casual presentation / Q and A format.  The next session,
the students described their interests and staked out an interest area and
a presentation day.

After that, for each session, the responsible student assembled a reading
list on his or her topic the week before.  Each of the other students
claimed one article to abstract.  Each session, the responsible student
gave a 20 minute presentation, followed by 10-minute abstract presentations
by the other students, in a logical sequence determined by the responsible
student.  Following the abstract presentations, there was a pretty lively
discussion, facilitated by Dr. Tang, who, incredibly, kept up with all the

The only other assignment was a 2-page synthesis paper Dr. Tang assigned
at the end of the semester.

The students learned how to research, how to present, how to sequence a
mini-seminar, as well as learning a lot of information about Global Change.

>>> <cpeo-brownfields@igc.topica.com> 06/06 3:30 am >>>
-- Topica Digest --

	brownfields reading list suggestion -- please advise.
	By solitare@eden.rutgers.edu

	Re: brownfields reading list suggestion -- please advise.
	By rgfp@mail.utexas.edu

	State-Industry Partnership Yields $425,000 For Voluntary
	By cpeo@cpeo.org

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