2001 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: CPEO Moderator <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: 15 Mar 2001 22:49:35 -0000
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] "The Role of Local Governments in Long-Term Stewardship at DOE Faci
The following comes from the ECA (Energy Community Alliance listserve. --CPEO

"The Role of Local Governments in Long-Term Stewardship at DOE
Facilities" http://www.eli.org/store/rr01localDOE.htm

At sites throughout the country the Department of Energy (DOE) is
cleaning up the radioactive and chemical contamination legacy of
nuclear weapons production. DOE expects to rely on local
governments to implement essential elements of its plans for
protecting the public from hazards that will remain after it
completes cleanup activities at its facilities. 

DOE uses the term long-term stewardship to encompass the activities and
that will be used to protect the public from the remaining hazards
at such sites. Local governments have the legal authority,
responsibility, and experience in the types of functions that will
need to be provided at these sites, such as land-use planning and
control, protecting public health and safety, maintaining official
records of land ownership, and providing information on health and
safety to their citizens. This apparent congruence of need and
capability is, for the most part, however, merely superficial. 

In this report the Environmental Law Institute (ELI) and the Energy
Communities Alliance (ECA) examine how local governments are only
beginning to develop the capacity to apply their experience to the
highly specialized types of environmental hazards that DOE will
leave behind. Please see http://www.eli.org/store/rr01localDOE.htm
for more information.

Energy Communities Alliance (ECA) is the membership organization of local
governments that are adjacent to or impacted by Department of Energy
activities. To add or remove your name from this list serve, please e-mail
server@energyca.org. For more information on ECA, visit the ECA Web Site at

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