2001 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: CPEO Moderator <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: 20 Mar 2001 18:47:19 -0000
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] Study: Schools Built on Unsafe Land
Monday March 19 10:58 AM ET
Study: Schools Built on Unsafe Land 
By GREG TOPPO, AP Education Writer 

WASHINGTON (AP) - Twenty-three years after she blew the whistle on Love Canal,
Lois Gibbs says school districts across the nation are still building schools
on unsafe land. 

In a report issued Monday, her organization said school districts across the
nation have built schools on or near unsuitable sites, posing potential health
risks to students and teachers. 
``What makes it worse is that we know better - or should know better,'' said

Among the ``poisoned schools'' cited by the Virginia-based Center for Health,
Environment and Justice is Los Angeles' Belmont Learning Complex. The nation's
costliest high school has never been completed because of fears of
contamination from the former oil field and industrial site on which it is

School administrators say they are aware of the problems that could result from
building on former industrial sites and the necessity of conducting their own
thorough inspections.



Center for Health, Environment and Justice: http://www.chej.org 

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