From: | |
Date: | 3 May 2001 20:16:04 -0000 |
Reply: | cpeo-brownfields |
Subject: | [CPEO-BIF] Questions and concerns? |
Thought I might stimulate some discussion given recent federal reauthorization of brownfield funding. Simply put, in the opinion of the list serve members, what are some of the important concerns or outstanding questions that we have on brownfield redevelopment as it is currently practiced in the U.S.? This may lead to some new threads of discussion or reinvigorate some old ones. I always want to look at the cup as half empty AND half full. So on the half empty end of the continuum, my list of issues includes: 1. Is there really enough quality control in VCP programs? The recent episode in Texas with an Environmental Lab getting in trouble for falsification of lab tests raises the issue of the fox guarding the chicken coup? Are liability concerns on the part of prospective purchasers/consultants etc., really enough to ensure that field sampling strategies and testing is really done well and appropriately? For that matter, what is really being done to objectively field verify what is reported as a remediated condition? It seems to me that the lure of profits could lead to corruption/collusion scenarios that downplay or misrepresent actual contamination/remediation conditions (e,.g., strategic sampling to miss hot spots that carry high remediation costs but that otherwise have a low probability of injury or exposure from the prospective purchasers perspective). No insult intended to environmental professionals/consulting firms, but this is not an improbable scenario in my estimation. 2. Do we have enough confidence in our understanding of public health and safety risks to be operating under RBCA as we currently are? It seems for many substances with toxic impacts, our knowledge base is largely limited to "acute -- high dose exposure" data as opposed to "chronic -- low dose exposure" as we might find in a brownfield setting. I have two small children and my concern over what we don't know is increasingly troublesome--which side should we err on as a society and have we really debated this openly and adequately to date (at least from a brownfields perspective). 3. Does the public really have adequate say in redevelopment decisions or is it possible that the priorities of environmental protection and tax base/economic development squelch social justice voices and choices? 4. Are we comfortable with the long-term sustainability of institutional controls as they are currently applied, and if not, should we still be using them until we address our concerns? That should stir things up a bit.....please add your own issues to the list. Look forward to the ensuing discussions. Cheers, Bob Paterson University of Texas at Austin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To read CPEO's archived Brownfields messages visit If this email has been forwarded to you and you'd like to subscribe, please send a message to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ==^================================================================ EASY UNSUBSCRIBE click here: Or send an email To: This email was sent to: T O P I C A -- Learn More. Surf Less. Newsletters, Tips and Discussions on Topics You Choose. ==^================================================================ |
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