2001 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: CPEO Moderator <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: 12 Jun 2001 19:03:57 -0000
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] "New commercial development may come from Brownfields"
New commercial development may come from Brownfields
Jane Meinhardt Staff Writer 
Business Journal, Tampa Bay

CLEARWATER -- Developing chic town homes with gardens and courtyards on a
contaminated industrial site represents the first Brownfields project in Bruce
Balk's 31-year career. 

The Sarasota architect directs the Mediterranean Village development in
Clearwater, one of the most ambitious Brownfields projects proposed in the
Tampa Bay area. 

The 100-unit town home complex is planned on property owned by the city in the
900 block of Cleveland Street. Most of the area once held a Dimmitt car
dealership and maintenance site. 

Environmental assessments show soil contamination, that must be removed before
development of the $17-million project. As part of the 16-acre development, a
retention pond called Town Lake will be developed for storm water control for
development in the surrounding 100 acres, which is expected to trigger more
commercial development. 


If you have any questions Miles Ballogg is the Brownfields Coordinator for this
project. He is also a subscriber of the Brownfields Internet Forum. 

Miles G. Ballogg 
City of Clearwater Brownfields Program 

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