From: | Lenny Siegel <> |
Date: | 1 Jul 2003 21:05:22 -0000 |
Reply: | cpeo-brownfields |
Subject: | [CPEO-BIF] All Appropriate Inquiry rulemaking report |
For the past few months CPEO, along with 24 other stakeholder groups, has participated in a U.S. EPA-led Negotiated Rulemaking, or "reg-neg" to develop an "All Appropriate Inquiry" standard for environmental site assessments. This regulation, mandated by the 2002 federal Brownfields statute, will influence the conduct of site assessments at commercial and industrial sites as well as the level of public involvement required in these assessments. Not only will the rule directly implement federal law, but it may set a new standard for due diligence conducted under state law or even simply to meet requirements imposed by private parties to transactions involving potentially contaminated property. The Small Business Liability Relief and Revitalization Act (the Brownfields Law) directed the EPA Administrator to promulgate a regulation, within two years of enactment of the law, establishing "standards and practices for the purpose of satisfying the requirement to carry out all appropriate inquiries." The law required such inquiries to establish liability relief, in three distinct cases, or to take advantage of assessment grants authorized by the legislation. In April 2003, EPA convened a Negotiated Rulemaking Committee of affected stakeholders to assist in these deliberations. Background on the committee, as well as official meeting summaries and other information, may be found at The Brownfields law provides new liability protections for landowners that qualify as 1) bona fide prospective purchasers, 2) contiguous property owners, and 3) innocent landowners. To qualify for such relief, a person must perform "all appropriate inquiry" to determine whether hazardous substances have been released on the property. For example, a buyer must establish that at the time he or she acquired the property, he or she had no knowledge or reason to know that any hazardous substance had been disposed of or released at the site. If a buyer performs "all appropriate inquiry" and contamination is subsequently discovered, the buyer will not be held liable for cleanup by the federal government. These provisions apply beyond the Brownfields properties targeted by other provisions of the law. In addition, parties receiving grants for site characterization and assessment under the law must follow the same standards and practices. While there have been no federal standards for site assessments or regulations defining "all appropriate inquiry," one professional organization, ASTM (formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials), has developed a series of standard practices, each known as "Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process." The most recent version is ASTM E 1527-00. The ASTM standard, known informally as just "Phase One," is widely accepted as a minimum requirement for environmental due diligence. The Brownfields law recognizes the ASTM Phase I standard, for most transactions, until EPA has issued its new standard. Many members of the committee, particularly those who use the ASTM standard routinely, want it to serve as the basis of the AAI document, but others see it simply as a starting point for a negotiation process that includes a much broader range of participants than the membership of ASTM. The AAI Committee met in April and June to discuss the 10 criteria specified by Congress in the Brownfields law for satisfying "all appropriate inquiry" (AAI). In the course of its deliberations, the members of the Committee have reviewed the ASTM standard, various state requirements, and EPA guidance documents related to site assessment. The discussions have been spirited and for the most part constructive. The next meeting will take place in Washington, DC, July 8-9. The following is CPEO's evaluation of four key issues that have arisen thus far, including in some cases CPEO's predictions of how they will be resolved. This is not an official summary of the Committee's work. We are circulating this report in the hope that our constituency, particularly participants in the National Environmental Justice/Community Brownfields Caucus, will offer feedback and suggestions. 1) The Brownfields law states that the assessment should be conducted by an environmental professional, but how should an environmental professional be defined and what formal qualifications and/or experience should an environmental professional possess? A Phase I environmental assessment typically relies on a number of readily available databases for information about the past uses of site, the site's operational history, and nearby environmental hazards that may have impacted the property. But a site assessment also requires considerable judgment, as well as the ability to interpret the significance of these data. Though many of the tasks may be carried out by inexperienced or relatively unskilled people, the environmental professional must sign off on the results. Some Committee members prefer a restrictive definition of "environmental professional," limiting the practice to people with professional engineering or geologist licenses to ensure a high level of professional competence. Others are more concerned about the availability of practitioners, or believe that there are many competent professionals without such licenses. They suggest a minimum educational and/or experience threshold. It's likely that the committee will recommend a compromise. 2) Under the current ASTM standard, there is no requirement to interview persons living near or adjacent to a site. Should neighbors and former workers be interviewed or notified that an environmental assessment is being conducted? Members of the Committee from the environmental justice community suggested that nearby residents are likely to have a wealth of knowledge about a potentially contaminated site, particularly if the property was used for unregulated activities (e.g., midnight dumping, drug manufacture, illegal auto repair, etc.). Collecting this information, they said, should be seen as an efficient way to identify site conditions. Others argued that such a requirement would add considerably to the time and cost of Phase I site assessments without, in most cases, adding any new and valuable information about the site. They posed questions about the practicality of interviewing neighbors, particularly in urban neighborhoods: How does one even identify "adjacent" neighbors, they asked? How many neighbors does one reasonably need to interview? More profoundly, some members claimed that requiring interviews with local residents could disrupt the market for brownfields transactions. Interviews, they contended, could publicize and thereby jeopardize private sector efforts to assemble land parcels for brownfields projects, as property owners on targeted sites, alerted to prospective development interest, could demand higher prices for their properties. Or the interviews could warn factory workers of plans for plant closure. This issue exposed serious ideological disagreements among the constituencies on the reg-neg committee, but practical resolution is likely. The committee is considering a proposal that data collection requirements - in most cases, including interviews - be linked to specific objectives, such as documenting the continuous ownership and use of properties. Additional investigation may be necessary to satisfy assessment performance goals. At vacant urban sites, interviewing neighbors is the most likely way to fill unacceptable data gaps. 3) In a certain number of environmental site assessments, there will be gaps in the historical record about past uses and activities on the site. What should the process dictate at various points when there such data gaps exist? Existing methodologies, such as ASTM Phase I, provide reliable checklists for collecting information on property ownership and use, the presence and release of hazardous substances, and past efforts to address such releases. But they aren't as helpful if information sources are incomplete and the goal is to show that property is indeed "clean." As described above, the AAI standard may attempt to overcome this obstacle with a tiered system of data collection. That is, it may require certain steps at all sites. If the key questions can't be answered with a simple investigation, the environmental professional would be required to keep looking until the data gaps are closed. 4) Typically, a Phase I environmental assessment does not require sampling. In the new standard, what findings, if any, should trigger actual sampling of a site? In some cases, developers or their environmental professionals may find it cheaper or faster to sample for contamination than to exhaust existing data sources. No one objects to such voluntary sampling. However, some Committee members have suggested that the Committee go further. They believe that the benefits of the Phase I process should be withheld if the original assessment is inconclusive. That is, to claim relief after extensive research and interviews leave significant uncertainties about uses and releases, the actual collection and analysis of soil or water may be necessary, both to protect public health and to avoid future complications and litigation. Other Committee members, hoping to retain the relatively streamlined existing Phase I process, are likely to object. They fear the costs and delays of unnecessary sampling, and they believe that sampling should remain confined to the Phase II site assessment, not in the All Appropriate Inquiry standard. This perhaps is the biggest challenge facing the Committee, and discussion thus far has only scratched the surface. Most participants agree substantially on the nuts and bolts of the Phase I process. But it will take hard work and significant creativity to figure out how that process should fit into continuing efforts to protect public health and promote property revitalization. Lenny Siegel & Bob Hersh -- Lenny Siegel Director, Center for Public Environmental Oversight c/o PSC, 278-A Hope St., Mountain View, CA 94041 Voice: 650/961-8918 or 650/969-1545 Fax: 650/961-8918 <> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To read CPEO's archived Brownfields messages visit If this email has been forwarded to you and you'd like to subscribe, please send a message to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |
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