2004 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: Lenny Siegel <lsiegel@cpeo.org>
Date: 16 Dec 2004 07:35:54 -0000
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] TCE Toxicity
[The following is text of the written testimony submitted by Boston University Professor Dr. David Ozonoff to the New York Assembly hearings on TCE and vapor intrusion. I found particularly interesting his explanation (item #1) of the relationship between the drinking water standard and the air exposure standard. - LS]

November 10, 2004

Jeff O’Donnell
Committee Assistant
New York State Assembly
Program & Counsel Staff
Capitol/ Room 520
Albany, NY  12248

Dear Sir

This testimony relates to your Committee’s interest in the public health aspects of exposure to tricholoroethene (TCE) via vapor intrusion into indoor environments from contaminated groundwater. I have had a long interest in the health effects of the chlorinated ethylenes, TCE and its very close relative, PCE (tetrachloroethylene), and have authored numerous peer-reviewed epidemiological studies on these chemicals. I have attached my Curriculum Vitae for your reference as to my standing and qualifications to give my opinions on this important matter.

TCE has been implicated in at least four kinds of adverse health effects: neurotoxic effects (effects on the central nervous system); cancer; birth defects; and autoimmune disease (scleroderma, lupus erythematosus and mixed connective tissue disease). For historical reasons and force of circumstance much of the study of the effects of TCE on human beings has taken place in the occupational environment, raising the question as to what effects might be expected, if any, at the substantially lower levels normally encountered in an indoor air environment from vapor intrusion. While this is not an easy question to answer, I have substantial concerns about effects even at these levels. This is founded on two main arguments.

1. We have been studying the effects of PCE in drinking water for almost 15 years and are able to see substantial increased cancer risks in these circumstances, which are orders of magnitude lower than occupational exposures. Drinking water exposures within homes come both from ingestion and air stripping and dermal absorption. The latter are roughly of the same order of magnitude as ingestion. The current MCL for drinking water is 5 micrograms per liter. Thus allowing for a doubling of dose from air/dermal and a consumption of 2 liters/day (a likely overestimate) this is a dose of 20 micrograms per day. Since the average adult breathes approximately one cubic meter/hour, this corresponds (roughly) to an indoor air exposure of 1 microgram/m3. The MCL is an old standard based on outdated cancer risk estimates. The proposed level of 5 micrograms/m3 is thus not consistent with the current (now fairly old) water standard.

However there is reason to believe the 10^-6 risk level is considerably lower than previously thought. To be health protective one normally uses the most conservative estimates. I call your attention to work by Cronin et al. In this physiologically-based pharmacokinetic model ("PBPK model") account is taken of the actual physiological processes of absorption, distribution and metabolism in animals and humans. Mice and humans, for example, are built on the same "organization chart" of blood, brain, digestive system, lungs, etc., but the extent to which the different "boxes" in the chart absorb, distribute, exchange and metabolize TCE might vary from species to species. The object of the PBPK exercise is a better extrapolation of a representative response from mouse to human by substituting the correct species-specific values for things like absorption coefficients, rate constants, and other values ("parameters") that determine the details of how TCE is handled in an organism.

A major difficulty with PBPK modeling is the paucity of information on two things: the correct biologically effective endpoint to use (is it the peak concentration of the metabolite TCA?, cumulative TCA?, the metabolite DCVC?, some DNA-adduct?, the metabolite trichloroethanol?); and accurate determination of the parameters that describe important physiological processes, like the rate of absorption or excretion in different species and between different organs and tissues in the same species. Considerable uncertainty in the correct parameter estimates can lead to very large differences in estimates of biologically effective dose, and hence of dose-response modeling. The way parameter uncertainties are currently handled is to incorporate a distribution of values in the model, and then determine the impact on the dose estimate (so-called Monte Carlo modeling). There is a wide range of legitimate estimates using PBPK models when coupled with the linearized multistage model used by NYDOH. Cronin et al., for example, have estimates as low as .02 micrograms/m3 TCE as the 1 in 1,000,000 risk in air.

I note that the choice of a linearized multistage model, as used by NYDOH, is not the only possible choice. Choosing another biologically plausible model for the dose-response function can also result in a large variation in estimated risks. These variations for estimates of the risk of TCE in drinking water were investigated by Cothern, et al. Four different functional forms were used, including the one chosen by NYDOH (the multistage model), and the estimated risks compared. Cothern et al. note there are no biologically based criteria for choosing one model over another. The results are a dramatic example of the effects of model choice. It turns out that the NYDOH choice was one of the most permissive (in the public health protection sense) compared to the least permissive, the Weibull model. The difference in estimated risks among the models was almost a factor of 10,000, i.e., the Weibull model predicted risks from TCE in drinking water to be 10,000 times higher than the risks from the most permissive model.

2. My second line of argument relates to the kinds of health effects one might expect to result from extremely tiny exposures. To summarize a longer argument, the effects are just those where some kind of biological amplification of damage occurs. The classic example is cancer, where a tiny alteration in the genetic program of the cell (the DNA code) that makes a cell into a cancer cell is reproduced each time the cell divides. Thus the original damage is biologically reproduced along with it and the offending tiny amount of chemical need no longer be present. This is essentially the reason we believe there is some cancer risk at every level of exposure. The dose response relation discussed above tries to estimate the size of that risk at various exposures.

However, there are other biological systems where such intrinsic amplification might be expected, among them the immune system (one need only think of bee stings and the dramatic, sometimes fatal effect of tiny exposures); the nervous system (where tiny signals are amplified into large responses); and human reproduction (where a entire organism comes from a single fertilized egg). Thus the health effects seen in occupational environments are plausibly also present, although at a lesser frequency, at much lower exposure levels as well.

There has been a huge volume of scientific work done on this environmentally prevalent contaminant and these comments only highlight two considerations I though pertinent to the question before your committee. I am attaching a table I did a few years ago of epidemiologic studies of cancer and TCE/PCE. I hope you find it useful.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me if you have further questions. I regret that my schedule does not permit me to appear before your Committee in person.

Sincerely yours

David Ozonoff, MD, MPH
Professor of Environmental Health
Boston University School of Public Health

-- Lenny Siegel Director, Center for Public Environmental Oversight c/o PSC, 278-A Hope St., Mountain View, CA 94041 Voice: 650/961-8918 or 650/969-1545 Fax: 650/961-8918 http://www.cpeo.org

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