2004 CPEO Brownfields List Archive (by Thread)

Last updated: Mon Jan 03 09:38:10 2005
209 messages

Text of All Appropriate Inquiry document cpeo (12/19/03)

Seminar Announcement: 1,4-dioxane in groundwater cpeo (12/19/03)

Call for Presenters: EPA's 2004 Community Involvement Conference cpeo (12/19/03)

Residents of Mountain View TCE Site want soil tested cpeo (12/19/03)

Community Survey cpeo (12/19/03)

Brownfields in the UK cpeo (12/19/03)

New RFF-CPEO publications on brownfields cpeo (12/19/03)

New ICMA report on Community Engagement cpeo (12/19/03)

Peer Review Plan Draws Criticism CPEO Moderator (01/15/04)

Changes to Environmental Due Diligence standards Bob Hersh (01/20/04)

TCE in Mountain View's Air Lenny Siegel (01/23/04)

National study recognizes excellence of Wisconsin's brownfield progra CPEO Moderator (02/05/04)

Earth Pledge Announces Formation of The Guardian Trust. CPEO Moderator (02/06/04)

Brownfields 2004 in St. Louis Bob Hersh (02/12/04)

Call for presentations for BF2004 Bob Hersh (02/17/04)

Job training workshop Bob Hersh (02/25/04)

Community-based Research Conference Bob Hersh (03/01/04)

Upcoming conference Bob Hersh (03/02/04)

Cal workshops on screening number methodology Lenny Siegel (03/12/04)

In an I.B.M. Village, Fears of Air and Water Pollution CPEO Moderator (03/16/04)

BF 2004 Conference update Bob Hersh (03/18/04)

Save May 1 for a Brownfields workshop in Jersey City Lenny Siegel (03/18/04)

New EJ report from ICMA Bob Hersh (03/26/04)

Travel Scholarships to BF 2004 Bob Hersh (03/29/04)

Brownfields open space initiative in the UK Bob Hersh (04/06/04)

EDR Announces "AAI" Package Lenny Siegel (04/07/04)

back on line Lenny Siegel (04/12/04)

Restoring Greenspace conference Lenny Siegel (04/12/04)

Poughkeepsie TCE Lenny Siegel (04/13/04)

Jersey City Regional Brownfields Workshop Bob Hersh (04/13/04)

Pennsylvania vapor intrusion sampling Lenny Siegel (04/15/04)

Unrecorded Easements Lenny Siegel (04/20/04)

Science of Environmental Justice Working Conference Bob Hersh (04/22/04)

May 1 workshop reminder Lenny Siegel (04/23/04)

Horinko resigns Lenny Siegel (04/26/04)

EPA Grant Competition--- Air Toxics Bob Hersh (04/26/04)

TCE Treatment in Mountain View Lenny Siegel (04/29/04)

Dioxane at Connecticut Superfund Site Lenny Siegel (05/03/04)

EPA's Western Brownfields Workshop - July 13-15 - Seattle Lenny Siegel (05/05/04)

TCE standard in Colorado Lenny Siegel (05/11/04)

Brownfields Summit in DC, June 2-4 Bob Hersh (05/11/04)

G8 to meet on polluted stretch of Georgia coast Lenny Siegel (05/18/04)

TCE Testing in East Fishkill, NY Lenny Siegel (05/19/04)

TCE in Ithaca Lenny Siegel (05/19/04)

TCE and Vapor Intrusion on CPEO's lists Lenny Siegel (05/19/04)

Let us know: "Digest" or "Individual"? Lenny Siegel (05/20/04)

Ithaca TCE concern Lenny Siegel (05/20/04)

brownfield designations ---gaming the system? Bob Hersh (05/21/04)

unlikely method for reclaiming brownfields Bob Hersh (05/21/04)

BF2004 - apply for travel by June 1 Lenny Siegel (05/21/04)

New York - Doctors and TCE Lenny Siegel (05/23/04)

OSHA levels for TCE Lenny Siegel (05/24/04)

TCE and the sale of an Oregon plant Lenny Siegel (05/25/04)

Restoring Greenspace/June 23-24/Philadelphia Lenny Siegel (05/25/04)

Questions about Brownfields in Jersey Lenny Siegel (05/26/04)

Hillcrest Vapor Intrusion Lenny Siegel (05/26/04)

"Safe" TCE in Perkasie Lenny Siegel (05/26/04)

More Vapor Intrusion confirmed in Mountain View Lenny Siegel (05/27/04)

TCE and PCE "traces" in New York homes Lenny Siegel (05/28/04)

California conference on economic development conference Bob Hersh (06/01/04)

update: Vapor Intrusion at Hillcrest, NY Bob Hersh (06/07/04)

EJ & enforcement in LA Bob Hersh (06/07/04)

GAO report on Superfund details declining appropriations Bob Hersh (06/08/04)

EPA announces 30 EJ grants Bob Hersh (06/08/04)

Denver TCE controversy Lenny Siegel (06/11/04)

Failing to diisclose TCE contamination to renters Bob Hersh (06/11/04)

Connecticut Condos Vapor Intrusion Lenny Siegel (06/11/04)

Natural Approaches To Industrial Site Cleanup Lenny Siegel (06/11/04)

Pottstown TCE Lenny Siegel (06/15/04)

East Fishkill vapor intrusion Lenny Siegel (06/15/04)

EPA awards $75 million in brownfield grants Bob Hersh (06/15/04)

Ithaaca TCE vapors Lenny Siegel (06/16/04)

New York to examine TCE Lenny Siegel (06/18/04)

Kitsap County (WA) Brownfields Projects Lenny Siegel (06/18/04)

Traverse City brownfields project Lenny Siegel (06/18/04)

Hillcrest outdoor sampling for TCE Lenny Siegel (06/19/04)

Cleanup in Philadelphia suburbs Lenny Siegel (06/23/04)

Seattle waterfront park Lenny Siegel (06/25/04)

Smart Growth and Brownfield Redevelopment RFIP Lenny Siegel (06/25/04)

TCE in Pottstown's Air Lenny Siegel (07/01/04)

Colorado TCE standards Lenny Siegel (07/01/04)

TCE in Collegeville air investigated Lenny Siegel (07/02/04)

Colorado TCE policy Lenny Siegel (07/02/04)

Milford Condos and TCE Lenny Siegel (07/05/04)

Pennsylvan TCE vapor intrustion - Kingston Lenny Siegel (07/05/04)

NALGEP Brownfields Action Alert: Help Support Full Funding for Feder Bob Hersh (07/06/04)

Grant money Bob Hersh (07/14/04)

CPEO Comments on "MEW" Five-Year Review Lenny Siegel (07/14/04)

TCE Cleanup Standard Challenged Lenny Siegel (07/14/04)

Vapor Intrusion at Milford, CT condos Lenny Siegel (07/15/04)

Obstacles to residential reuse of brownfields in St. Paul Bob Hersh (07/19/04)

Responsible Parties' view of TCE standard Lenny Siegel (07/20/04)

Sellersville Superfund development Lenny Siegel (07/21/04)

Endicott TCE settlement talks Lenny Siegel (07/21/04)

Endicott negotiations Lenny Siegel (07/21/04)

looking for vapor intrusion activists Lenny Siegel (07/23/04)

Vapors in Ithaca Lenny Siegel (07/24/04)

Employees and Indoor Air and "LIU 18" Lenny Siegel (07/25/04)

Ithaca air Lenny Siegel (07/27/04)

Brownfields Transaction Forum Bob Hersh (07/29/04)

Milford (CT) tests show no migration Lenny Siegel (07/29/04)

California hearing August 7 - in San Fernando Lenny Siegel (07/29/04)

Re: GAO on Environmental Disclosure LSchnapf (08/12/04)

Endicott settlement between NY DEC and IBM Lenny Siegel (08/12/04)

Superfund funding shortfall Bob Hersh (08/16/04)

Maplewood Mall brownfield development Lenny Siegel (08/16/04)

NIEHS Hazardous Waste Worker Health and Safety Training Bob Hersh (08/17/04)

Cal/EPA Announces New Round of Site Assessment Grant Funds Bob Hersh (08/17/04)

TCE and PAHs and Mass. Art museum site Lenny Siegel (08/18/04)

Martinsville, IN air tests Lenny Siegel (08/18/04)

New report: Abandoned mine pollution in the West Bob Hersh (08/19/04)

Colorado vapor intrusion regs Lenny Siegel (08/23/04)

EPA Announces proposed rule on All Appropriate Inquiry Lenny Siegel (08/24/04)

Ithaca TCE investigation Lenny Siegel (08/26/04)

EPA Proposes AAI Rule in Federal Register Lenny Siegel (08/26/04)

TCE debate in Mountain View Lenny Siegel (08/26/04)

Jackson Steel VOC Cleanup Lenny Siegel (09/02/04)

Mountain View development near TCE plume Lenny Siegel (09/02/04)

IBM Endicott Settlement Lenny Siegel (09/07/04)

All Appropriate Inquiries meeting in DC October 20 Lenny Siegel (09/07/04)

[CPEO-BIF] EJ/Community Caucus at BF2004 bobh (09/13/04)

[CPEO-BIF] EJ sessions at BF2004 bobh (09/13/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Sampling Hillcrest homes Lenny Siegel (09/15/04)

[CPEO-BIF] TCE complicates Giants' Arizona training facility development Lenny Siegel (09/18/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Leavitt Addresses Brownfields Conference Lenny Siegel (09/21/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Brownfields conference discusses site assessment rule Lenny Siegel (09/21/04)

[CPEO-BIF] EPA questions Scottsdale baseball complex Lenny Siegel (09/21/04)

[CPEO-BIF] NY vapor intrusion site to be listed Lenny Siegel (09/23/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Vapor Intrusion: The New Frontier of Toxic Cleanup Lenny Siegel (09/23/04)

[CPEO-BIF] More on Hopewell Precision site Lenny Siegel (09/23/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Volatile organics under Arizona subdivisions Lenny Siegel (09/25/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Vapor testing in Ithaca, NY Lenny Siegel (09/27/04)

[CPEO-BIF] New York Brownfields law and big developers Lenny Siegel (09/28/04)

list.cpeo.org mailing list memberships reminder mailman-owner (10/01/04)

[CPEO-BIF] TCE in Tucson Lenny Siegel (10/03/04)

[CPEO-BIF] CPEO Washington DC Office Has Moved Aimee Houghton (10/05/04)

[CPEO-BIF] contaminated school site in Detroit Lenny Siegel (10/13/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Endicott activists criticize ATSDR report Lenny Siegel (10/18/04)

[CPEO-BIF] California's new Brownfields law Lenny Siegel (10/19/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Re: Brownfields Digest, Vol 2, Issue 4 LSchnapf (10/19/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Vapor intrusion investigation in Columbus, Nebraska Lenny Siegel (10/22/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Brisbane Bayland Lenny Siegel (10/23/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Cal-EPA Seeks Comments on Coordination MOA Lenny Siegel (10/25/04)

[CPEO-BIF] New York vapor intrusion hearing - November 15 in Endicott CPEO (10/26/04)

[CPEO-BIF] California public participation hearing November 6 in Richmond Lenny Siegel (10/27/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Republican Congresswoman and NY TCE site Lenny Siegel (10/27/04)

[CPEO-BIF] New York's standard for TCE in air Lenny Siegel (10/27/04)

[CPEO-BIF] California Brownfields Workshop - Dec. 6 in Sacto. Lenny Siegel (11/01/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Ithaca TCE cleanup Lenny Siegel (11/03/04)

[CPEO-BIF] California's draft funding proposals Lenny Siegel (11/03/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Richmond (CA) oversight shifted to Toxics Agency Lenny Siegel (11/09/04)

[CPEO-BIF] San Francisco meeting (11/18/04) on All Appropriate Inquiries proposed rule Lenny Siegel (11/09/04)

[CPEO-BIF] brownfields databases? Robert Hersh (11/09/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Indoor Air Pathway Lenny Siegel (11/10/04)

[CPEO-BIF] EPA moves San Francisco AAI meeting Lenny Siegel (11/10/04)

[CPEO-BIF] "Measuring the Success of DNAPL Source Zone Treatments" Lenny Siegel (11/14/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Armstrong's industrial ghost town Lenny Siegel (11/14/04)

[CPEO-BIF] View-Master health study Lenny Siegel (11/14/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Vapor Intrusion Testimony Lenny Siegel (11/15/04)

[CPEO-BIF] NY Vapor Intrusion Hearing Lenny Siegel (11/17/04)

[CPEO-BIF] NY TCE Hearing-2 Lenny Siegel (11/17/04)

[CPEO-BIF] discrimination at TCE site Lenny Siegel (11/25/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Redeveloping at Stanley Tools Lenny Siegel (11/27/04)

[CPEO-BIF] NYS DEC Issues Draft Program Policy on Vapor Intrusion Kenneth S. Kamlet (11/29/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Endicott Middle School sampling Lenny Siegel (11/30/04)

[CPEO-BIF] "Beyond the plume" in Endicott Lenny Siegel (11/30/04)

[CPEO-BIF] EPA funding opportunity Robert Hersh (12/03/04)

[CPEO-BIF] "$280B to clean up hazardous sites" Lenny Siegel (12/04/04)

[CPEO-BIF] EPA report on cleanup needs released Robert Hersh (12/07/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Twin Lakes (Roseville, MN) and TCE Lenny Siegel (12/08/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Gates Rubber TCE Lenny Siegel (12/08/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Gates Rubber cleanup Lenny Siegel (12/09/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Housing at Gates site? Lenny Siegel (12/09/04)

[CPEO-BIF] TCE in Belmont, Mass. Lenny Siegel (12/10/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Milford condo ventilation system Lenny Siegel (12/10/04)

[CPEO-BIF] TCE beneath Pennsylvania homes Lenny Siegel (12/10/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Construction Workers and TCE Lenny Siegel (12/13/04)

[CPEO-BIF] TCE standards in Endicott, NY Lenny Siegel (12/14/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Gates development decision postponed (Denver) Lenny Siegel (12/14/04)

[CPEO-BIF] speakers needed for EJ workshop in Seattle Robert Hersh (12/14/04)

[CPEO-BIF] TCE Toxicity Lenny Siegel (12/15/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Ford's PCB dump in North Jersey Lenny Siegel (12/16/04)

[CPEO-BIF] TCE and cancer Lenny Siegel (12/17/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Report from the EJ/Community Brownfields Caucus 2004 Lenny Siegel (12/20/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Gates rezoning approved after promise of cleanup Lenny Siegel (12/21/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Ithaca vapor intrusion Lenny Siegel (12/23/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Roseville, MN development plan Lenny Siegel (12/23/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Roseville (MN) development Lenny Siegel (12/27/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Pottstown (PA) air monitoring Lenny Siegel (12/29/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Woburn's water today Lenny Siegel (12/29/04)

[CPEO-BIF] Pennsylvania funding shortfall Lenny Siegel (12/30/04)

[CPEO-BIF] "Russian Roulette" - vapor intrusion studies in buildings with attached units Lenny Siegel (12/31/04)

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