Pennsylvania Chapter
Annual Membership Meeting
May 9, 2006 – johnstown, pa
Frank J. Pasquerilla
Conference Center
301 Napoleon
Johnstown, Pennsylvania 15901
Toll-Free: 1-866-277-5573
– 2:30 p.m. Brownfield Site Tour
– 6:30 p.m. Annual Membership Meeting and Networking Reception
Join Chapter
President, Mayor Don Zucco of the City of Johnstown,
and the Pennsylvania Chapter Executive Team and full membership for the PA
Chapter's membership meeting in Johnstown,
PA. Meet other brownfield
professionals and hear updates from the Pennsylvania Chapter. A networking
reception will follow the afternoon’s presentations.
miss the opportunity to rally with other professionals, learn more about the
Pennsylvania Chapter’s accomplishments and discover how to get involved.
Clang, clang, clang went
the trolley…
We’ll ride the historic Johnstown trolley (http://www.johnstownpa.com/History/hist28.html)
for a pre-conference, optional tour
of area brownfields. Stops include the Cambria Iron Works, the Franklin Mills
site and the Johnstown High School Athletic Field/Trojan Stadium.
Join fellow attendees
and learn firsthand about local redevelopment opportunities and brownfield
success stories. Register today! Seating is limited and a fee of $15 is
required for the tour.
Now online!
The most up-to-date agenda for this meeting is available
online. Also, you’ll find information on car pooling opportunities for this
event. And, of course, you can register on our Web site.
You’ll find
it all @ http://www.brownfieldassociation.org/Events/PA_050906.html.
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