2006 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: Lenny Siegel <lsiegel@cpeo.org>
Date: 21 Nov 2006 17:07:18 -0000
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] Hopewell Junction (NY) health assessment
Site poses increased, but low risk of cancer
East Fishkill residents pan draft report

By Dan Shapley
Poughkeepsie Journal (NY)
November 21, 2006

Some residents of the Hopewell Precision Superfund site in East Fishkill may face an increased risk of getting cancer because of exposure to toxic chemicals in the groundwater, according to a draft government health assessment released Monday.

The state Health Department and federal Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry conducted the study as part of the government response to the Superfund site. Residents can comment on it until Jan. 19, after which it could be revised.

The health assessment considers a worst-case scenario — that residents were exposed to the highest detected levels for each of the 29 years since chemicals were dumped. Because contaminants move through the groundwater slowly, few if any people would have been exposed for that long.

The chance of developing cancer was deemed low, meaning one additional cancer case could be expected for every 10,000 to 1 million people exposed to these levels. The report dismisses potential cumulative risks of exposure to the multiple chemicals found in both air and water as "unlikely."


For the entire article, see


Lenny Siegel Director, Center for Public Environmental Oversight c/o PSC, 278-A Hope St., Mountain View, CA 94041 Voice: 650/961-8918 or 650/969-1545 Fax: 650/961-8918 <lsiegel@cpeo.org> http://www.cpeo.org

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