2008 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: Lenny Siegel <lennysiegel@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2008 06:16:09 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] Mangilao, Guam production well
EPA putting a lid on WWII well in Mangilao

by Ronna Sweeney
KUAM News (Guam)
April 2, 2008

In order to safeguard groundwater from future contamination, the Guam 
Environmental Protection Agency is finally capping a World War II 
production well thanks to recently obtained federal funds. Right next to 
Father Duenas Memorial School, hidden within the jungle lies a WWII 
military vintage production well site that until the end of the 1940s 
provided water to the surrounding Mangilao community.


Funding for the project is coming from the Brownsfields Program, which 
empowers states, territories, and stakeholders to prevent, assess and 
cleanup properties because suspected or actual hazardous substance, 
material or pollution is present. "Basically what that fund does is it 
puts monies aside for site assessments, cleanups and education training 
grants and that's the part of money we're using," San Nicolas added.


For the entire story, see


Lenny Siegel
Executive Director, Center for Public Environmental Oversight
a project of the Pacific Studies Center
278-A Hope St., Mountain View, CA 94041
Voice: 650/961-8918 or 650/969-1545
Fax: 650/961-8918

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