Vapor Intrusion: The State of the Science and the Law WHEN: | September 6, 2012, 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM (Speaking will begin promptly at 12:00 PM) | WHERE: | Teleconference (all times are EDT) | RSVP: | To reserve, e-mail Please reserve by September 3. There is no charge for ELI members to participate in the teleconference, but you must RSVP. RSVPs should include: name of registrant and email address. Non-members must pay $35 and should download and return this form in order to register. | Vapor intrusion—migration of volatile chemicals from contaminated groundwater or soil into an overlying building—is now part of nearly every site investigation and many real estate transactions. As the science of vapor intrusion evolves, states continue to update their guidance, policies, and regulations: New Jersey and Ohio released revised guidance in late 2011; Michigan issued its draft guidance this summer; Illinois is expected to finalize its rulemaking later this year; and Pennsylvania is expected to release its updated guidance early next year. ASTM released a new standard in 2010 for investigating vapor intrusion for real estate transactions. EPA is expected to release its new guidance, last updated in 2001, at the end of this year. As the science of vapor intrusion continues to evolve and states continue to update their guidance, professionals involved in vapor intrusion sites need to stay on top of it all. What is the process for a vapor intrusion investigation? What is the science behind such an investigation? How will these new regulations influence such investigations? Join us for an expert panel that will discuss the science of vapor intrusion, how vapor intrusion investigations are completed, new and anticipated guidance and regulations at the state and federal levels, and case studies of various vapor intrusion investigations. Speakers: Mark Distler, Senior Vice President, O’Brien & Gere (moderator) Richard Kapuscinski, Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation, EPA Megan Conlon McCulloch, Partner, Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn Christopher M. Roe, Partner, Fox Rothschild Lenny Siegel, Executive Director, Center for Public Environmental Oversight
Lenny Siegel Executive Director, Center for Public Environmental Oversight a project of the Pacific Studies Center 278-A Hope St., Mountain View, CA 94041 Voice: 650/961-8918 or 650/969-1545 Fax: 650/961-8918