2013 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: Lenny Siegel <lsiegel@cpeo.org>
Date: Wed, 22 May 2013 00:46:52 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] Boeing TCE investigation, Auburn, Washington
News Release 13-133
Washington State Department of Ecology 
May 21, 2013

Most samples show no contamination detected in Algona groundwater

BELLEVUE – Preliminary results from completion of an underground water-sampling project in parts of Algona show no contamination detected at most of the water-sampling locations. 

The project is part of a continuing investigation into an area of contaminated groundwater that originates from past releases of solvent chemicals on property owned by The Boeing Company (Boeing) in Auburn.  The Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) directs the investigation, conducted and paid for by Boeing.

The study in Algona is one step in determining the location and size of this underground contamination, which includes solvent chemicals, primarily trichloroethene (TCE) and vinyl chloride (VC).

Laboratory tests of samples from 34 of the 49 drilling locations in the study showed no detection of the solvent chemicals of main concern for health risk (TCE and VC).  Ecology and the Washington State Department of Health have begun a thorough review of the information.  Boeing is preparing to submit a scientific assessment of the study results to Ecology.


For the entire release, see


Lenny Siegel
Executive Director, Center for Public Environmental Oversight
a project of the Pacific Studies Center
278-A Hope Street
Mountain View, CA 94041
Voice: 650-961-8918 or 650-969-1545
Fax: 650-961-8918

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