2013 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: Lenny Siegel <LSiegel@cpeo.org>
Date: Fri, 24 May 2013 01:59:15 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] Fwd: 2013 U.S. EPA Community Involvement Training Conference || REGISTRATION IS OPEN!!

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Lloyd, David" <Lloyd.DavidR@epa.gov>
Subject: FW: 2013 U.S. EPA Community Involvement Training Conference || REGISTRATION IS OPEN!!

Lenny – would you be able to share the message from Elana below regarding the Community Involvement Training Conference?  Thank you
David R. Lloyd, Director
Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization
Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response
US EPA  202-566-2731
From: Goldstein, Elana 
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 10:49 AM
To: Lloyd, David
Subject: 2013 U.S. EPA Community Involvement Training Conference || REGISTRATION IS OPEN!!
Hi David,
I am one of the co-chairs for the 2013 U.S. EPA Community Involvement Training Conference. Someone suggested I forward you this announcement about registration being open for you to share with a Brownfields contact list that you maintain. If you can spread the word, that would be great!
Elana Goldstein
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Water, Water Policy Staff
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, MC 4101M 
Washington, DC 20460

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2013 Community Involvement Training Conference Registration Graphic

2013 U.S. EPA Community Involvement Training Conference
July 30 - August 1, 2013
Boston, Massachusetts
<< Register Now >>

Registration for the thirteenth U.S. EPA Community Involvement Training Conference, The Next Generation of Community Involvement will be open until July 17, 2013. We encourage you to register early as sessions may fill up quickly.

What is the EPA Community Involvement Training Conference?
This dynamic training conference (offered only once every two years) seeks to both inform and train EPA staff as well as Agency stakeholders and partners in best practices to enhance community involvement. This three-day training conference features plenary sessions with guest speakers, topical discussions, multiple 90-minute information sessions, engaging three, four, and seven hour training sessions with continuing education unit (CEU) credit, and field trips demonstrating effective community involvement and cooperative conservation efforts in the Boston area. Additionally, there will be a Tuesday evening reception that will highlight a poster and technology demonstration session to showcase excellent community involvement projects as well as new tools, technology, and software. Throughout the training conference there will be exhibits, a variety of networking opportunities, and also evening activities to add value and fun to the experience. Please visit the training conference website at
 www.epa.gov/ciconference for more information.

Training Conference Audience
The training conference audience consists of EPA staff as well as EPA partners and stakeholders coming from local, state, federal, tribal, industry, non-governmental, or other sectors who interact with EPA on community involvement related projects.

Training Conference Agenda
Please visit the training conference
 "Agenda" page to view the final agenda for the training conference.

Hotel Information
Please visit the
 "Hotel" page on the 2013 Community Involvement Training Conference website for information about the training conference hotel and how to reserve your room.

Join Us Online
If you cannot join us in person, you may register to participate online in a limited number of select sessions that will be streamed live via the Internet. More information on this option will be available in early June on the training conference website.

For questions, please feel free to contact any of the following individuals:

Laura Knudsen, Conference Co-Chair
U.S. EPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response
Phone: 703-603-8861 | knudsen.laura@epa.gov

Elana Goldstein, Conference Co-Chair
U.S. EPA Office of Water
Phone: 202-564-1800 | goldstein.elana@epa.gov

Pamela Harting-Barrat, Conference Co-Chair
U.S. EPA Region 1
Phone: 617-918-1318 | harting-barrat.pamela@epa.gov

Catherine Sims, Community Involvement Training Conference Coordinator
Environmental Management Support
8601 Georgia Avenue, Suite 500, Silver Spring, MD 20910
Phone: 301-589-5318 | Fax: 301-589-8487 | ciconference@emsus.com

Please share this announcement with your colleagues and partners who may be interested in attending the 2013 EPA Community Involvement Training Conference. Thank you!


Lenny Siegel
Executive Director, Center for Public Environmental Oversight
a project of the Pacific Studies Center
278-A Hope Street
Mountain View, CA 94041
Voice: 650-961-8918 or 650-969-1545
Fax: 650-961-8918

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