Please plan to join us for the US EPA Equitable Development Webinar Wednesday, October 14, 2015 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT, Equitable Development: The Role of Brownfields Renewal, Community Land Trusts and Employee Owned Businesses in Neighborhood Stability.
The October 14th Webinar focuses on two highly successful equitable development models of community ownership and wealth-building. They are the Evergreen Cooperatives in Cleveland, OH, three employee-owned green businesses that create jobs which deliver living wages and career pathways for local low income residents; and the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative’s Community Land Trust in Roxbury, MA, which was created to take ownership of more than 30 acres of land and realize a vision of development without displacement. Ted Howard from the Democracy Collaborative and Tony Hernandez from Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative are featured speakers. The Webinar flyer is attached.
Additionally, I am sharing US EPA’s 20th anniversary of federal Brownfields Program video which premiered at the Brownfields 2015 National Training Conference in Chicago. To access and download the high resolution (1080p) version of the video, please visit the following link and click "download."
Feel free to circulate this announcement. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me in the event that Sustainable Community Development Group can provide assistance which boosts your work.
Deeohn Ferris, JD, President
Sustainable Community Development Group
7059 Blair Road NW, Suite 102
Washington, DC 20012
Telephone (202) 637-2467
Sustainable Community Development Group is a nonprofit leader in sustainable community and economic development technical assistance, project management, training and public policy. Our objective is community revitalization through equitable development, environmental justice and smart growth. We deliver expertise that advances the mission of communities, elected officials, governmental agencies, academia, public interest organizations, companies, foundations and grantees.
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