From: | Lenny Siegel <> |
Date: | 16 Aug 2005 16:43:38 -0000 |
Reply: | cpeo-irf |
Subject: | [CPEO-IRF] ICMA BRAC webcast September 13, 2005 |
[The following text is attached as a Word document, too. - LS] The International City/County Management Association (ICMA), will culminate its webcast series, sponsored in part by Lennar-LNR, on base realignment and closure (BRAC) topics for local government officials and others likely to be impacted by the 2005 BRAC round. The webcast series will help local governments and community stakeholders understand the BRAC process by sharing the successes achieved and obstacles faced by city managers, federal environmental and defense officials, and private sector experts in the cleanup and redevelopment of closed military bases. BRAC 05: The Good, the Bad, and the Expedited-Trends, Tools, and Challenges This session is sponsored by Lennar-LNR. Tuesday, September 13, 2005, 2:00-3:30 pm (EDT) Many tools have been created or adapted to help expedite the reuse of BRAC properties, and new trends have emerged that will play major roles in future reuse projects. But do they address all challenges and are they appropriate for you? As most practitioners agree, "there are no cookie-cutter solutions." Topics to be addressed include: * Early transfers * Conservation conveyances * Public sales * Land use controls and management tools * The helpful developer: They do exist * The distress of rural communities * State versus Fed, Fed versus Fed - Locals caught in the middle Presenters: * Greg Morell, Vice President, Land Group, Lennar-LNR * Richard Engel, Marstel-Day, LLC * Steven Powers, County Administrator, County of Marquette, Michigan Who Should Attend City and county managers, economic development directors, public works directors, general counsels, other senior local government officials, and private sector consultants working on behalf of local governments should plan to participate in the webcast series. Groups are encouraged to gather together to participate in each webcast as a team. Register Now For more information and to register, visit Information is also available toll-free at 877/865-4326. The cost of the webcast is $95 per site. Technical Requirements A webcast combines telephone and Internet technology to give local government mangers and their staffs the opportunity to gain relevant, useful information without travel, at low cost, and through a medium that encourages collegial discussion of concerns and issues. Participants must have a computer with Internet access (56K modem or higher) and a separate telephone line for the audio portion of the webcast. -- Lenny Siegel Director, Center for Public Environmental Oversight c/o PSC, 278-A Hope St., Mountain View, CA 94041 Voice: 650/961-8918 or 650/969-1545 Fax: 650/961-8918 <> Attachment:
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