From: | Lenny Siegel <> |
Date: | 30 Jan 2007 00:34:17 -0000 |
Reply: | cpeo-irf |
Subject: | [CPEO-IRF] Ft. Ord (CA) letter |
Submitted by Laura Olah <>:More than 50 organizations from across the U.S. have submitted formal comments to the U.S. EPA in solidarity with communities near the closing Fort Ord base in California. The EPA’s proposed Order of Consent, which transfers cleanup responsibilities from the Army to a local reuse authority, carries no requirements for continued public participation and meaningful involvement of community and tribal members. The precedent-setting proposal contradicts the Agency’s environmental and economic justice mandates and could, by example, affect communities everywhere that are at risk from military toxins in their environment. The entire letter and co-signators follows: Judith Winchell (SFD-7) United States EPA Region IX 75 Hawthorne Street San Francisco, CA 94105 RE: Former Fort Ord Superfund Site – Docket No. R9-2007-03 January 26, 2007 Dear Ms. Winchell,The proposed Administrative Order of Consent does not comply with EPA’s Environmental Justice mandates and policies as it does not require and assure a mechanism for continued public participation and meaningful involvement of community and tribal members in the cleanup and restoration of environmental contamination in and around the former Fort Ord and, by example, all communities threatened by military toxins. This serious omission is of immense concern as, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first such order issued by the EPA and therefore sets a national precedent for this and countless other communities across the U.S. that are at risk from exposure to military toxins in their environment – risks that are greatest to the developing fetus, infants, and children as the population groups most vulnerable to environmental pollutants. By both EPA law and policy, the transfer of responsibilities from the federal government to another party (in this case from the U.S. Army to the Fort Ord Reuse Authority) must carry assurances and specific mechanisms for compliance with environmental and economic justice. Moreover, in communities where a RAB or SSAB have/may be established, these mechanisms would be abruptly terminated as having no provision or resources to continue. As the local reuse authority, the Fort Ord Reuse Authority has routinely blocked meaningful involvement of affected community members, including specific racial and socio-economic groups, in the economic development planning process. In fact, no one from the affected community has a seat at the table. Moreover, the inherent economically-driven mission of the FORA directly conflicts with the community’s right to a cleanup that affords the greatest possible protection of human health and the environment. The EPA has both the authority and a duty to require fair treatment and meaningful involvement by assuring that community and tribal stakeholders are from all perspectives and are armed with the capacity to participate in policy development as full partners that are afforded necessary support and resources. For these reasons, we urge the EPA to extend the public comment period, to hold public meetings to actively solicit and incorporate comments from affected community and tribal members, and to withdraw the proposed Administrative Consent Order as it fails to require and assure a mechanism for continued public participation and meaningful involvement of community and tribal members. Sincerely, Levonne Stone, Executive Director, Fort Ord Environmental Justice Network Laura Olah, Executive Director, Citizens for Safe Water Around Badger Kaye Kiker, Organizer, Citizens Task Force, York, Alabama Wilbur Slockish, Columbia River Economic and Education Development, OregonDr. Herbert J Bernstein, President, Institute for Science and Interdisciplinary Studies, Massachusetts Betty Salamun, Artistic Director, DanceCircus, LtdJ. Gilbert Sanchez, Director, Tribal Environmental Watch Alliance, New Mexico Guy Wolf, Co-Chair, La Crosse Coalition for Peace and Justice, Wisconsin Elaine Cimino, Director, Citizens For Environmental Safeguards, New MexicoRobert A. LoPinto, PE, Co-Chair, Ft. Totten Restoration Advisory Board, New York State Joseph DiGangi, PhD, Scientist, Environmental Health FundMelodie Dove, Lead Environmental Organizer, Concerned Citizens of South Central Los Angeles Will Fantle, Northern Thunder, Eau ClaireDr. Warren Porter, Prof. of Zoology, Prof. of Environmental Toxicology, Dept. of Zoology, University of Wisconsin, Madison Paul Herr, Owner, Paul Herr Consulting Lyndie Malan, Executive Director, Great Keppel Island Conservation Group John E. Peck, Executive Director, Family Farm Defenders Bonnie Urfer, John LaForge, Co-Directors, NukewatchMike Schade, PVC Campaign Coordinator, Center for Health, Environment and Justice Denny Larson, Director, Global Community Monitor, California Peter Montague, Ph.D., Director, Environmental Research FoundationVina Colley, Portsmouth/Piketon Residents for Environmental Safety and Security (PRESS), Ohio Bill Ahrens, President, Mining Coalition of Wisconsin Rick Hind, Legislative Director, Greenpeace Toxics Campaign, Washington DC Mary David Walgenbach OSB, Prioress, Benedictine Women of Madison, Wisconsin Julie Enslow, Project Organizer, Peace Action WisconsinRebecca Katers, Executive Director, Clean Water Action Council of NE Wisconsin Cynthia Stimmler, Office Manager, Women's Environmental Institute, Minnesota Sandra Hausman, President, Glenview Prairie Preservation ProjectDoris Bradshaw, President, Defense Depot Memphis Tennessee - Concerned Citizens Committee Doris Bradshaw, Chair, Tennessee Environmental Justice Network Isis Bradshaw, President, Youth Terminating Pollution, Tennessee Doris Bradshaw, President, Military Toxics Project Chamomile Nusz, Executive Director, Citizens Energy Cooperative of Wisconsin Greg Wingard, Executive Director, Waste Action Project Al Gedicks, Executive Secretary, Wisconsin Resources Protection Council Marcia Halligan, Kickapoo Peace Circle Steven Adams, Viroqua Biodynamic Group, Wisconsin Pamela Miller, Executive Director, Alaska Community Action on ToxicsWanda Colón Cortés Caribbean Project for Justice and Peace / Proyecto Caribeño de Justicia y Paz, Puerto Rico Lynelle West Hatton, Director, Toxic and Explosive Substance Accountability, Washington Judy Miner, office coordinator, Wisconsin Network for Peace and JusticeDavid Wilmot, Co-Founder/Lead Analyst, Abington, Weymouth and Rockland Environmental Studies (AWARES) of Massachusetts Jill Johnston, Program Coordinator, Southwest Workers Union, Texas Guadalupe Alvarado, President, Committee for Environmental Justice Action Sandra Garcia, Organizer, Youth Leadership OrganizationJudith Sullivan, SDS, Coordinator, Sisters of the Divine Savior Justice and Peace Office Craig Williams, Executive Director, Chemical Weapons Working GroupSr. Dorothy C. Pagosa, Sisters of St. Joseph of the Third Order of St. Francis Director for Social Justice (organization for identification purposes only) David Ciplet, U.S. Coordinator, Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA) Irene Senn, Justice, Peace & Integrity of Creation Committee of the Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi Richard Moore, Executive Director, Southwest Network for Environmental and Economic Justice John Steines, member and co-founder, Friends of Starkweather Creek, Madison, Wisconsin Marie Zellar, Regional Director, Clean Water Action Marc Rosenthal, Board of Directors, Madison Arcatao Sister City ProjectMary Pendergast, RSM Sisters of Mercy, Earth Committee Chairperson, Northeast (56 co-signators) -- LeVonne Stone, TAG Manager Fort Ord Environmental Justice Nework P.O. Box 36, 217 Reindollar, Marina, CA. 93933 Phone and fax: 831-582-0803 Laura Olah, Executive Director Citizens for Safe Water Around Badger (CSWAB) E12629 Weigand's Bay South, Merrimac, WI 53561 Phone: (608)643-3124 -- Lenny Siegel Director, Center for Public Environmental Oversight c/o PSC, 278-A Hope St., Mountain View, CA 94041 Voice: 650/961-8918 or 650/969-1545 Fax: 650/961-8918 _______________________________________________ Installation_Reuse_Forum mailing list | |
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