2007 CPEO Installation Reuse Forum Archive

From: Lenny Siegel <lennysiegel@gmail.com>
Date: 17 Nov 2007 00:10:50 -0000
Reply: cpeo-irf
Subject: [CPEO-IRF] Moffett Field (CA) update
Army: No impact for Orion project
Environmentalists and federal agencies trade words over traffic and cleanup

by Daniel DeBolt
Mountain View Voice (CA)
November 16, 2007

The Moffett Field Restoration Advisory Board met last Thursday in the 
midst of a whirlwind of discussions about development at Moffett, 
including the 213-acre NASA Research Park and the possible announcement 
in December about the future of Hangar One.

But nothing sparked more intense discussion than the Army's "Mitigated 
Finding of No Significant Impact" — a report on Orion Park, just outside 
the Moffett main gate, where the Army intends to build a new command and 
reserve training center.


For the entire article, see

See also:

Research Park to be built on TCE plume?

by Daniel DeBolt
Mountain View Voice (CA)
November 16, 2007

During a City Council meeting last week, NASA Ames officials announced 
that the agency would seek bids for development of the ambitious NASA 
Research Park, which will hold 1,000 units of housing, 200,000 square 
feet of office space and 100,000 square feet for education.


For the entire article, see

And also see:

Final push planned to clear TCE plume

by Daniel DeBolt
Mountain View Voice (CA)
November 16, 2007

A new effort to clean the last vestiges of an underground plume of toxic 
chemicals known as TCE from beneath an area of Mountain View is under 
study, and could result in an accelerated cleanup campaign starting in 2009.

Maile Smith, project manager for Northgate Environmental, said new 
tactics and technologies for cleaning the plume, located in what is 
known as the MEW area, will be evaluated in a feasibility study released 
early next year.


For the entire article, see

Finally, see

Company floats Zeppelin idea
Airship Ventures offers more details - hopes city approves of 
Moffett-based tours

by Daniel DeBolt
Mountain View Voice (CA)
November 16, 2007

If NASA Ames allows it, a Zeppelin airship may arrive at Moffett Field 
in October of next year - the 75th anniversary of the USS Macon's 
arrival at Moffett in 1933.

After noticing the controversy over the Google founders' jumbo jets last 
month, Los Gatos-based Airship Ventures is putting out feelers to see 
what Moffett neighbors would think of up to 1,000 Zeppelin flights a 
year out of the airfield. The company aims to provide tours of the San 
Francisco Bay Area for $500 a person in its 264-foot Zeppelin NT airship 
- which is slightly longer, but much quieter, than a Boeing 747.


For the entire article, see


Lenny Siegel
Executive Director, Center for Public Environmental Oversight
a project of the Pacific Studies Center
278-A Hope St., Mountain View, CA 94041
Voice: 650/961-8918 or 650/969-1545
Fax: 650/961-8918

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