1994 CPEO Military List Archive

From: Lenny Siegel <lsiegel@igc.org>
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 1994 10:09:17 -0800 (PST)
Reply: cpeo-military

 The Administration for Native Americans (a branch of the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services) and the Department of Defense
have announced, in the October 26, 1994 FEDERAL REGISTER (pp.
53813 ff.), the availability of a new round of funds to help Indian nations
and Alaska natives address environmental problems caused by the
Department of Defense on Indian lands. The announcement implements an
$8 million appropriation for fiscal year 1995, above and beyond the $8
million appropriated - and released late in - 1994. The application process
leaves significantly more time to prepare than last year. The deadline for
submission of completed applications is August 18, 1995.

 The announcement reads, in part: "The Federal government
recognizes that substantial environmental problems, resultant from defense
activities, exist on Indian lands and will geographically range from border to
border and coast to coast. The nature and magnitude of the problems will
most likely be better defined when affected Indian tribes and Alaska Natives
have completed environmental assessments called for in Phase I of this
four-phase program.

 "The Federal government has also recognized that Indian tribes,
Alaska Native and their tribal organizations must have the opportunity to
develop their own plans and technical capabilities and access the necessary
financial and technical resources in order to assess, plan, develop, and
implement programs to mitigate any impacts caused by Department of
Defense activities."

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