1994 CPEO Military List Archive

From: Burkhard Luber <B.LUBER@BIONIC.zer.de>
Date: 24 Dec 1994 06:20:25
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Re: Hope, Peace & Joy
Hi, thank you for your e-mail on: 23.12.94 / at: 10:47
Under the e-mail address of: aimeeh@igc.org
Referring to: Hope, Peace & Joy

>So many sentiments to express this time of year. I want to thank
>everyone for participating in the cpro.military conference and hope that it
>has proved to be useful in its early stages.
Certainly it is Aimee. Thank you for doing all the moderating and 1st of
all bringing us together online.

>Please send me your
>comments and suggestions on how the conference can continue to grow and a
>become a hub for these types of discussions.

I think there is a tendency that it is slightly US-directed. I mean,
there is certainly no bad bias but for a non-US it is sometimes difficult to
follow the mysteries of US legislation, regulations etc. I know - one
cannot MAKE it more internationally by force - it may just grow step by
step more globally. I wonder how other non-US participants feel.

>Celebrate all the good and hard work that has been accomplished and
>celebrate a bit more for what will be achieved next year.

I will be at a Boston conference late October 1995 and might visit
PeaceNet in San Francisco then too. Perhaps that might be combinable
with participating in a workshop of cpro or so if it happen that there
is one during that period. Let me know if so.

>Mailgayang Pasko, Feliz Navidad, Paz, Bonnes fetes de fin d'annee, Vesele
>Via Notes, Ju Ni Shengdan Kwaile, Buone Natale, Shalom, Salam, Hotep,
>Happy Kwanzaa, Pai

na ja: und "einfach" Froehliche Weihnachten aus Deutschland (ohne
Umlaute! :-) )


Aimee, please post that in cpro

Dr Burkhard Luber, Heidland 13, 28870 Ottersberg, Germany,
FAX: (49+)-4293-1337, Phone: (49+)-4293-1264

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