1995 CPEO Military List Archive

From: gkripke@Essential.ORG
Date: 09 Feb 1995 07:25:52
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Re: 1996 Military Construction Approp.
Posting from Gawain Kripke <gkripke@Essential.ORG>
Subject: Re: 1996 Military Construction Approp.

RE: Milcon Approps Hearings

Lenny is right. Mr. Burkhard is right. Everybody is right. Hearings on 
the FY96 Military Construction appropriation will start shortly, probably 
in March or April. There may already have been some hearings related to 
rescission of FY95 funding or the Contract with America. However, the 
hearings usually are not printed for some time (they are edited, provided 
for review to the witnesses and Members of Congress, etc.) In all 
likelihood, they will be available before the FY96 budget year begins in 
October of 1995, but not necessarily before the key Congressional votes 
and decisions are made.

Hope that's helpful.

Gawain Kripke
Friends of the Earth
Washington D.C.

On 8 Feb 1995 B.LUBER@BIONIC.zer.de wrote:

> Date: 08 Feb 1995 08:23:09
> From:B.LUBER@BIONIC.zer.de
> To: Recipients of conference <careerpro@igc.org>
> Subject: Re: 1996 Military Construction Approp.
> From: B.LUBER@BIONIC.zer.de (Burkhard Luber)
> Subject: Re^2: 1996 Military Construction Approp.
> Date: Wed, 08 Feb 1995 12:47:00 +0100
> Hi, thank you for your e-mail on: 06.02.95 / at: 15:25
> Under the e-mail address of: lsiegel@igc.org
> Referring to: Re: 1996 Military Construction Approp.
> >None of the 1996 hearings have been held yet, so they won't be printed
> >(at the earliest) until the end of the year.
> that would mean that the hearings would not! be prior to the fiscal year
> 95/96 which starts I think July or fall 1995!
> Lenny, in all previous years the MilCon hearings have been held early at the
> begining of the year prior to the fiscal year, i.e.:
> Hearings for 1993/94 fiscal year have been held in Jan 1993 and the
> printouts were released in Feb 93. Has anything changed in the House
> acting intervals then?
> I have the 93/94 here in my office and the printing date is stamped on page 1
> Burkhard
> Dr Burkhard Luber, Heidland 13, 28870 Ottersberg, Germany,
> FAX: (49+)-4293-1337, Phone: (49+)-4293-1264

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