From: | |
Date: | 08 Jun 1995 15:09:43 |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | Conference comments |
Posting from "David Keith (ISIS)" <> Reply-To: "David Keith (ISIS)" <> [Folks, I sent this first to Lenny and Aimee who each encouraged me to post it. It breaks Lenny's length recommendation. I received the comment that I need to give more consideration to the idea that citizens are experts.] Dear Lenny and Aimee, Thank you for putting together the conference. You put in a lot of work-- it showed and I got a lot from the experience. As with other such events I have attended, I believe the most important part is not just hearing information or making connections, but making friends. I did and I thank you. Rather than attempt a cool, objective analysis, I will start by describing what I felt as the conference progressed. As some one who has a backlog of adversarial relations with the local base (Westover ARB), I came to S.F. with considerable reservations about the whole RAB concept. I am very concerned that cooperation can too easily become co-optation. I suspect many people would describe asuccessful RAB as one that acts as a damper to absorb and dissipate citizen anger. On Friday and Saturday, then, I felt a growing sense of defensiveness. The message I was hearing was that citizens have won, the doors are now open, and not only are we citizens no longer needed, we are actually impeding effective cleanup. We might be of some help in making sure the military and its consultants have the money they need and that they spend it well. But the better a RAB is functioning, it seemed, the less the real need for citizen participation. Merv Tano's talk about the need for looking at the long term and learning to "dance with the devil" makes perfect sense to me, but I could not help feeling displaced. As long as the military is listening to Tano's corps of experts, then those of us who made the military start listening can declare victory and go home-- which does not give us much incentive to put work into a RAB. I also worry that those doing the compromising can too easily open valves on the steam-pressure activists built up at such cost in effort and time. The compromises spend our savings. I heard terse replies to questions about ways to press the military as rebukes; pressure and antagonism are old and bad, cooperation is good. I bought Tad McCall's higher call to use RABs as a new model for democracy. In the terms McCall and the Rev. Black used, I get interested again in participating. I do not see the role of RAB members as one of shuttling information between the military and the community; instead, we help create the community. The military makes stakeholders. We help stakeholders recognize themselves as a group within a still greater community of interests. Ideally, getting information to citizens gives them power. The conference emphasized access to expertise. If the goal of RABs is strictly to advise the military on how to do a better job of scrubbing soils, then only such expertise can help them do it. The subtle, but very real difficulty is that the experts can simply make citizens irrelevant. Why bother with the intermediaries if advice is the only function? Why not just have your experts talk to my experts? If we are all cooperating anyway, citizens just slow down the cleanup. Informing citizens serves no constructive function toward actual cleanup and only serves to mollify public suspicion. Please do not think I am asking to remain ignorant. Citizens do need technical expertise. But expertise is every bit as inherently undemocratic as martial hierarchy. Experts can, by the information they possess, command higher authority in a group and can direct the terms of discussion toward the area of their authority. Which brings me at last to comments that might help next year's planning. Speaking for your own group at Moffet Field, Paul said that RAB members recognized that ultimately technical questions were secondary; the real issues were political. This is a crucial distinction that deserved more attention. Leslie Byster's organizing skills workshop helped, as did the Reverend Black's environmental justice talk, but these seemed more to emphasize who should be included or how to get people involved than why they should become involved. I would have liked more discussion of what role citizens can play on a RAB board. Most of this conference involved either technical questions of cleanup or technical questions of how to regulate and facilitate cleanup. Yet even your own group, Lenny, discovered that the larger emphasis has to be political. So for next time, I would like to start with this question: what does it mean that the issues are ultimately political? By political, I am not just referring to political organizing. I mean that some of these questions cannot be solved by science. For instance, while scientific methods may calculate risk, the acceptability of risk is a political question. As you said, Lenny, the off-times are usually the most important and I did appreciate the chances for people to get together on their own terms. No matter what the emphasis of the lecturers, they provided a place to start more personal discussions that were extremely valuable. My initial defensiveness diminished as I had a chance to talk informally with others at the conference. I suppose I should have enjoyed the chance to talk with those whose views I do not share-- and I certainly did-- but I only began to relax when I found kindred spirits, especially when I did not expect them to be. Not putting our affiliations on our name tags was a dirty trick, but I appreciated its astute deviousness. Even though we could check the address list, we could not make instant assumptions about each other. I have been picky in this letter, but I want to end with sincere thanks. Even if I did not come away from the conference with any clear answers, I got good questions. Please keep up the good work. Sincerely, David Keith PS: My next letters will be to Congress. PPS: 1.) We do not just represent a community, we help form it. 2.) What does it mean that the issues are ultimately political? |
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