1995 CPEO Military List Archive

From: Aimee Houghton <aimeeh@igc.org>
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 1995 10:17:10 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Re: Attack on Env. Protection.
I received the following response to the postings on potential cuts in 
the cleanup budgets. I asked the author for permission to post this to 
the conference.

Aimee Houghton

Posting from lsgeckle@aec1.apgea.army.mil
Date: 24 Jul 95 13:25 EST


 I wanted my "two cents" put in here too re: potential cuts to
 EPA/DSMOAs, and I wasn't sure who within the CareerPro network to send
 this to. It may also seem strange to hear from another "government
 employee" but I think the team effort between DOD, EPA and the states
 has helped a LOT in moving environmental programs forward.

 Since I've worked here at the Army Environmental Center (since 1988),
 the environmental reports from the sites with which I'm familiar have
 been sent to EPA and the states for their review all along. This team
 approach has helped Army projects by:
 1) identifying any data gaps, etc. necessary to complete the
 environmental picture at a site;
 2) helping with the Army's dealings with the public. As a public
 affairs person, it makes a BIG difference to me to have regulatory
 involvement/input right up front so that we have some sort of "checks
 and balances" -- so that the public can see that the Army isn't going
 off on our own and doing our own thing.

 From where I stand, cuts to EPA budgets would SERIOUSLY affect federal
 facility programs for a couple reasons:

 1) DOD (since that's who I work for) wouldn't have the oversight
 necessary to keep our programs on track;
 2) Public perception of the Army's environmental programs would be
 ruined even further. I know the Army has a long way to go to build
 full credibility with the public, but I think that at some sites,
 we've made some progress -- albeit small. Cutting the states and/or
 EPA out of this effort would undermine any public credibility the Army
 (or any other DOD facility) has tried to build.
 3) I fear that without regulatory oversight, the Army would fall
 back into doing the minimum actions -- only what's absolutely

 I know that a government employee probably shouldn't be voicing
 concerns over this, but I have some anyway. Just my thoughts from
 where I stand.

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