1995 CPEO Military List Archive

From: isisGU@hamp.hampshire.edu
Date: 27 Jul 1995 09:33:28
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Re: Attack on Env. Protection.
Posting from ISIS Guest Account <isisGU@hamp.hampshire.edu>

I'll echo Peter -- the the technical assistance that ISIS provides is
explanation and interpretation of technical information and reports. I do
a lot of research on chemical properties, sampling protocols, monitor well
placement, and environmental fate, and even some fact-checking. 

I also maintain the only functional archive of reports on Westover ARB
other than Base Civil Engineering (unless something changed dramatically
in the past few weeks, and I somehow missed it). The base presently doesn't
distribute current site reports to RAB members, to it's 'official'
archives, or to interested individuals other than the Community Co-Chair. 
Yet both the Base and community seem to trust ISIS as a 'safe space' for
information transfer. We also publicize the availablity of reports as we 
get them.

Lastly, I help to direct peoples' questions -- which range from who
documents in-flight fuel jettisons, to how to get a copy of the DSMOA for
Massachusetts. (People at Mass. DPH have actually asked if we might start
similar center to assist people making public health requests. One of
their biggest problems is simply directing incoming queries to the
appropriate state department or office. They kill trust with every "I'm
sorry, we can't answer your question -- you might try calling . . ."). 

How well do the people in the Senate Armed Services Committee understand
technical assistance? For us, it's very far from a matter of burning up
money simply to contradict the DOD's consultants -- as seemed to be one
member's concern. We're extremely inexpensive for the services we provide
(well under one percent of Westover's typical cleanup budget). Community
relations are improving, and the comments that come out of the process are
fresh, inciteful, and helpful to the Base environmental staff. 

Maybe we need a quick survey of RAB Co-Chairs to see what kinds of
assistance they seek and how it helps the functioning of their RAB? 

Jeff Green

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