1995 CPEO Military List Archive

From: gkripke@Essential.ORG
Date: 30 Jul 1995 15:10:19
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Important Environmental Victory.
Posting from Gawain Kripke <gkripke@Essential.ORG>

On Friday afternoon the House of Representatives approved the
Stokes-Boehlert amendment to strike 17 legislative "riders" from the
VA-HUD-Independent Agencies Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1996 bill. 
The annual spending bill, which provides funding for the Environmental
Protection Agency, was loaded with numerious legislative riders which
would have severely restricted EPA's ability to enforce and implement
environmental laws. 

The 212-206 vote was an important victory and a big upset for the
anti-regulatory, anti-environment forces in Congress. 51 Republicans
voted for the amendment. Shortly after the vote, Majority Leader Dick
Armey (R-TX) put an end to debate on the bill and delayed the final vote
on the bill until Monday. 

Reports indicate that the Republican leadership will attempt to reverse
the vote on Monday evening when the House reconvenes. To win votes, they
may offer some sort of compromise package -- taking out a few riders, but
leaving most in the bill. The 51 Republicans who voted for the
Stokes-Boehlert amendment will be under tremendous pressure to reverse

I am attaching record of Friday's vote. I encourage anyone who can to 
call your Congressperson to thank them (complain) about his/her vote on 
Stokes-Boehlert and to encourage him/her to vote against efforts to 
reverse that vote. In addition, please urge him/her to vote against 
final passage of the bill because it simply guts funding for the EPA -- 
cutting 33 percent of the budget.

For more information or suggestions please reply by email to 
foe@essential.org. Or you can call me at 202/783-7400 ext. 212. Thanks.

Gawain Kripke
Director, Appropriations Project
Internet: foe@essential.org

Vote Results on the Stokes-Boehlert amendment to the House 
VA-HUD-Independent Agencies Appropriations bill for FY96. July 28, 1995.

Legend: + = supported Stokes-Boehlert, - = opposed Stokes-Boehlert, 0 = 
did not vote

Charles Bass R NH +
Doug Bereuter R NE +
Sherwood L. Boehlert R NY +
Michael M. Castle R DE +
Lincoln Diaz-Balart R FL +
Vern Ehlers R MI +
Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr. R MD +
Phil English R PA +
Harris W. Fawell R IL +
Michael P. Forbes R NY +
Jon D. Fox R PA +
Bob Franks R NJ +
Gary A. Franks R CT +
Wayne T. Gilchrest R MD +
Paul E. Gillmor R OH +
Benjamin A. Gilman R NY +
Porter J. Goss R FL +
Jim Greenwood R PA +
Martin R. Hoke R OH +
Steve Horn R CA +
Amo Houghton R NY +
Nancy L. Johnson R CT +
Sue W. Kelly R NY +
Scott L. Klug R WI +
Shawn LaTourette R OH +
Rick A. Lazio R NY +
Jim Leach R IA +
Frank A. LoBiondo R NJ +
James B Longley, Jr. R ME +
Bill Martini R NJ +
Constance A. Morella R MD +
John Edward Porter R IL +
Jack Quinn R NY +
Jim Ramstad R MN +
Ralph Regula R OH +
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen R FL +
Marge Roukema R NJ +
Marshall Sanford R SC +
H. James Saxton R NJ +
Joe Scarborough R FL +
Steven Schiff R NM +
E. Clay Shaw R FL +
Christopher Shays R CT +
Christopher H. Smith R NJ +
Peter G. Torkildsen R MA +
Frederick S. Upton R MI +
Curt Weldon R PA +
Rick White R WA +
Frank R. Wolf R VA +
C.W. Young R FL +
Dick Zimmer R NJ +
Bernard Sanders I VT +
Neil Abercrombie D HI +
Gary L. Ackerman D NY +
Robert E. Andrews D NJ +
John Baldacci D ME +
Thomas M. Barrett D WI +
Xavier Becerra D CA +
Anthony C. Beilenson D CA +
Ken Bentsen D TX +
Tom Bevill D AL +
Sanford Bishop D GA +
David E. Bonior D MI +
Robert A. Borski D PA +
Rick Boucher D VA +
Corrine Brown D FL +
George E. Brown D CA +
Sherrod Brown D OH +
John Bryant D TX +
Benjamin L. Cardin D MD +
William Clay D MO +
Eva Clayton D NC +
Bob Clement D TN +
James E. Clyburn D SC +
Ronald D. Coleman D TX +
Cardiss Collins D IL +
John Conyers D MI +
Jerry F. Costello D IL +
William J. Coyne D PA +
Peter A. DeFazio D OR +
Rosa DeLauro D CT +
Ronald V. Dellums D CA +
Peter Deutsch D FL +
Norman D. Dicks D WA +
John D. Dingell D MI +
Julian C. Dixon D CA +
Lloyd Doggett D TX +
Calvin M. Dooley D CA +
Mike Doyle D PA +
Richard J. Durbin D IL +
Eliot L. Engel D NY +
Anna G. Eshoo D CA +
Lane Evans D IL +
Sam Farr D CA +
Chaka Fattah D PA +
Vic Fazio D CA +
Cleo Fields D LA +
Floyd H. Flake D NY +
Michael Patrick Flanagan D IL +
Thomas M. Foglietta D PA +
Harold E. Ford D TN +
Barney Frank D MA +
Martin D. Frost D TX +
Elizabeth Furse D OR +
Sam Gejdenson D CT +
Richard A. Gephardt D MO +
Sam Gibbons D FL +
Henry B. Gonzalez D TX +
Bart Gordon D TN +
Gene Green D TX +
Luis V. Gutierrez D IL +
Lee H. Hamilton D IN +
Jane Harman D CA +
Alcee L. Hastings D FL +
Doc Hastings D WA +
W.G. Hefner D NC +
Maurice D. Hinchey D NY +
Tim Holden D PA +
John Hostettler D IN +
Steny H. Hoyer D MD +
Sheila Jackson-Lee D TX +
Andrew Jacobs D IN +
William J. Jefferson D LA +
Eddie Bernice Johnson D TX +
Tim Johnson D SD +
Paul E. Kanjorski D PA +
Marcy Kaptur D OH +
Joseph P. Kennedy D MA +
Patrick Kennedy D RI +
Barbara B. Kennelly D CT +
Dale E. Kildee D MI +
Gerald D. Kleczka D WI +
Ron Klink D PA +
John J. LaFalce D NY +
Tom Lantos D CA +
Sander M. Levin D MI +
John Lewis D GA +
William O. Lipinski D IL +
Zoe Lofgren D CA +
Nita M. Lowey D NY +
William P. Luther D MN +
Carolyn B. Maloney D NY +
Thomas J. Manton D NY +
Edward J. Markey D MA +
Matthew G. Martinez D CA +
Frank R. Mascara D PA +
Robert T. Matsui D CA +
Karen McCarthy D MO +
James A. McDermott D WA +
Paul McHale D PA +
David M. McIntosh D IN +
Michael R. McNulty D NY +
Martin T. Meehan D MA +
Carrie Meek D FL +
Robert Menendez D NJ +
Kweisi Mfume D MD +
George Miller D CA +
Norman Y. Mineta D CA +
Patsy Mink D HI +
James P. Moran D VA +
John P. Murtha D PA +
Jerrold Nadler D NY +
Richard E. Neal D MA +
George Nethercutt D WA +
Mark W. Neumann D WI +
James L. Oberstar D MN +
David R. Obey D WI +
John Olver D MA +
Bill Orton D UT +
Major R. Owens D NY +
Frank Pallone D NJ +
Ed Pastor D AZ +
Donald M. Payne D NJ +
Nancy Pelosi D CA +
Douglas "Pete" Peterson D FL +
Earl Pomeroy D ND +
Charles B. Rangel D NY +
John F. Reed D RI +
Bill Richardson D NM +
Lynn Rivers D MI +
Charles Rose D NC +
Lucille Roybal-Allard D CA +
Bobby L. Rush D IL +
Martin Olav Sabo D MN +
Thomas C. Sawyer D OH +
Patricia Schroeder D CO +
Charles E. Schumer D NY +
Robert C. Scott D VA +
Jose Serrano D NY +
David E. Skaggs D CO +
Louise McIntosh Slaughter D NY +
Linda Smith D WA +
Mark Edward Souder D IN +
John M. Spratt D SC +
Fortney Pete Stark D CA +
Steve Stockman D TX +
Louis Stokes D OH +
Gerry E. Studds D MA +
Bart Stupak D MI +
Gene Taylor D MS +
Bennie Thompson D MS +
William M. Thornberry D TX +
Ray Thornton D AR +
Karen Thurman D FL +
Todd Tiahrt D KS +
Esteban Edward Torres D CA +
Robert G. Torricelli D NJ +
Edolphus Towns D NY +
Walter R. Tucker D CA +
Nydia M. Velazquez D NY +
Bruce F. Vento D MN +
Peter J. Visclosky D IN +
Mike Ward D KY +
Maxine Waters D CA +
Melvin Watt D NC +
Henry A. Waxman D CA +
Edward Whitfield D KY +
Pat Williams D MT +
Charles Wilson D TX +
Robert E. Wise D WV +
Lynn Woolsey D CA +
Ron Wyden D OR +
Albert R. Wynn D MD +
Sidney R. Yates D IL +
Wayne Allard R CO -
Bill Archer R TX -
Dick Armey R TX -
Spencer Bachus R AL -
Bill Baker R CA -
Richard H. Baker R LA -
Cass Ballenger R NC -
Bob Barr R GA -
Bill Barrett R NE -
Roscoe G. Bartlett R MD -
Joe Barton R TX -
Brian Bilbray R CA -
Michael Bilirakis R FL -
Thomas J. Bliley R VA -
Peter I. Blute R MA -
John A. Boehner R OH -
Henry Bonilla R TX -
Sonny Bono R CA -
Sam Brownback R KS -
Ed Bryant R TN -
Jim Bunn R OR -
Jim Bunning R KY -
Richard Burr R NC -
Dan Burton R IN -
Steve Buyer R IN -
Sonny Callahan R AL -
Ken Calvert R CA -
Dave Camp R MI -
Charles Canady R FL -
Steve Chabot R OH -
Saxby Chambliss R GA -
Helen Chenoweth R ID -
Jon Christensen R NE -
Dick Chrysler R MI -
William F. Clinger R PA -
Howard Coble R NC -
Tom Coburn R OK -
Mac Collins R GA -
Larry Combest R TX -
Wes Cooley R OR -
C. Christopher Cox R CA -
Philip M. Crane R IL -
Michael D. Crapo R ID -
Frank Cremeans R OH -
Barbara Cubin R WY -
Randy "Duke" Cunningham R CA -
Thomas M. III Davis R VA -
Tom DeLay R TX -
Nathan Deal R GA -
Jay Dickey R AR -
John T. Doolittle R CA -
Robert K. Dornan R CA -
David Dreier R CA -
John J. Duncan R TN -
Jennifer Dunn R WA -
Bill Emerson R MO -
John Ensign R NV -
Terry Everett R AL -
Thomas Ewing R IL -
Jack Fields R TX -
Mark Foley R FL -
Tillie Fowler R FL -
Rodney Frelinghuysen R NJ -
Daniel Frisa R NY -
David Funderburk R NC -
Elton Gallegly R CA -
Greg Ganske R IA -
George W. Gekas R PA -
Robert W. Goodlatte R VA -
William F. Goodling R PA -
Lindsey Graham R SC -
Steve Gunderson R WI -
Gil Gutknecht R MN -
Melton D. Hancock R MO -
James V. Hansen R UT -
J. Dennis Hastert R IL -
J.D. Hayworth R AZ -
Joel Hefley R CO -
Frederick Heineman R NC -
Wally Herger R CA -
Van Hilleary R TN -
David L. Hobson R OH -
Peter Hoekstra R MI -
Duncan Hunter R CA -
Tim Hutchinson R AR -
Henry J. Hyde R IL -
Bob Inglis R SC -
Sam Johnson R TX -
Walter B. Jones R NC -
John R. Kasich R OH -
Jay C. Kim R CA -
Peter T. King R NY -
Jack Kingston R GA -
Joe Knollenberg R MI -
Jim Kolbe R AZ -
Ray LaHood R IL -
Tom Latham R IA -
Greg Laughlin R TX -
Jerry Lewis R CA -
Ron Lewis R KY -
Jim Lightfoot R IA -
John Linder R GA -
Bob Livingston R LA -
Frank Lucas R OK -
Donald Manzullo R IL -
Bill McCollum R FL -
Jim McCrery R LA -
Joseph M. McDade R PA -
John M. McHugh R NY -
Scott McInnis R CO -
Howard P. McKeon R CA -
Jack Metcalf R WA -
John L. Mica R FL -
Dan Miller R FL -
Susan Molinari R NY -
Carlos J. Moorhead R CA -
John T. Myers R IN -
Sue Myrick R NC -
Bob Ney R OH -
Jim Nussle R IA -
Michael G. Oxley R OH -
Ron Packard R CA -
Bill Paxon R NY -
Thomas E. Petri R WI -
Richard W. Pombo R CA -
Robert J. Portman R OH -
Deborah Pryce R OH -
James H. Quillen R TN -
George Radanovich R CA -
Frank Riggs R CA -
Pat Roberts R KS -
Harold Rogers R KY -
Dana Rohrabacher R CA -
Toby Roth R WI -
Ed Royce R CA -
Matt Salmon R AZ -
Dan Schaefer R CO -
Andrea Seastrand R CA -
F. James Sensenbrenner R WI -
John Shadegg R AZ -
Bud Shuster R PA -
Joe Skeen R NM -
Lamar S. Smith R TX -
Nick Smith R MI -
Gerald B.H. Solomon R NY -
Floyd Spence R SC -
Cliff Stearns R FL -
Bob Stump R AZ -
James M. Talent R MO -
Randy Tate R WA -
Charles Taylor R NC -
William M. Thomas R CA -
Barbara F. Vucanovich R NV -
Enid Greene Waldholtz R UT -
Robert S. Walker R PA -
James T. Walsh R NY -
Zach Wamp R TN -
J.C. Watts R OK -
Dave Weldon R FL -
Gerald C. Weller R IL -
Roger Wicker R MS -
Don Young R AK -
William H. Zeliff R NH -
Scotty Baesler D KY -
James A. Barcia D MI -
Bill Brewster D OK -
Glen Browder D AL -
Jim Chapman D TX -
Gary Condit D CA -
Robert E. Cramer D AL -
Pat Danner D MO -
Chet Edwards D TX -
Pete Geren D TX -
Ralph M. Hall D TX -
James A. Hayes D LA -
Earl F. Hilliard D AL -
Blanche Lambert Lincoln D AR -
David Minge D MN -
Alan B. Mollohan D WV -
G.V. Montgomery D MS -
Solomon P. Ortiz D TX -
Mike Parker D MS -
Lewis F. Payne D VA -
Collin Peterson D MN -
Owen B. Pickett D VA -
Glenn Poshard D IL -
Nick Joe Rahall D WV -
Tim Roemer D IN -
Norman Sisisky D VA -
Charles W. Stenholm D TX -
W.J. Tauzin D LA -
Frank Tejeda D TX -
James A. Traficant D OH -
Kika de la Garza D TX -
Herbert H. Bateman R VA 0
Newt Gingrich R GA 0
Ernest Jim Istook R OK 0
Steve Largent R OK 0
Jan Meyers R KS 0
Charlie Norwood R GA 0
Howard L. Berman D CA 0
Barbara-Rose Collins D MI 0
Bob Filner D CA 0
Tony P. Hall D OH 0
Harry A. Johnston D FL 0
Cynthia McKinney D GA 0
Joe Moakley D MA 0
Mel Reynolds D IL 0
Ike Skelton D MO 0
John S. Tanner D TN 0
Harold L. Volkmer D MO 0

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