1996 CPEO Military List Archive

From: C940533@alumnes.esade.es
Date: 22 Feb 1996 00:11:00
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: unsubscribe
 please delete my name c940533@alumnes.esade.es

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Asunto: Fort Ord News Item (2-20
Autor: Conference "cpro.military" <careerpro@igc.org> en INTERNET
Fecha: 21/2/96 20:32

From: "Linda Vrabel" <Linda_Vrabel@qmgate.arc.nasa.gov>
 RE>Fort Ord News Item (2-20-96) 2/21/96
Please delete my name from this mail service. 
Linda Vrabel
Date: 2/20/96 4:49 PM
To: Linda Vrabel
From: cpro.military
FROM: Curt Gandy, Fort Ord Toxics Project, Director < cgumbi@aol.com > 
TO: Kelley Luker, Metro Santa Cruz, Reporter < kluker@livewire.com >
SUBJECT: Fort Ord News Item (2-20-96)
Dear Kelley,
Please send me a copy of the Public Service Announcement (PSA) you received, 
regarding the Army#018#s Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement 
(DSEIS) public hearing being held on 2-26-96, in Monterey. I understand 
that the Fort Ord Toxics Project, and myself as the Director, were referred 
to in this PSA.
Also, I would like to receive a copy of your article regarding the above 
mentioned public hearing
I appreciate your contacting me, and the subsequent telephone interview 
regarding FOTP#018#s concerns regarding the Army#018#s closure, cleanup, and 
conversion of the former Fort Ord Army base. To be precise, Fort Ord is now 
under the control of the Presidio of Monterey (POM) Army command, and is 
designated as the Presidio of Monterey Annex (POMA). 
I will Fax to you two additional public meeting notices for your information:
1. Congressman Sam Farr#018#s #019#Santa Cruz Town-meeting on the Fort Ord 
Conversion#020# on Saturday, (2-24-96), from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM, at the Aptos 
2. The community#018#s #019#Fort Ord Restoration Advisory Board#020# monthly 
meeting on
Thursday, (2-22-96), from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM, at the #019#Community Club#020# 
former Non-Commissioned Officers Club) just inside the main gate, on the 
former Army base.
Thank you for your interest in the closure, cleanup, and conversion of Fort 
Director, Fort Ord Toxics Project
< cgumbi@aol.com > 
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Date: 20 Feb 1996 15:43:32
Reply-To: Conference "cpro.military" <careerpro@igc.org> 
From: CGumbi@aol.com
Subject: Fort Ord News Item (2-20-96)
To: Recipients of conference <careerpro@igc.org> 
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