From: | Aimee Houghton <> |
Date: | Mon, 29 Jul 1996 17:49:38 -0700 (PDT) |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
From: Aimee Houghton <> CONFEREES FOR DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION CHOSEN The following is the Conference Committe for Defense Authorization has been set. This conference will be responsible for authorizing appropriations for fiscal year 1997 for the Department of Defense. This committe will be deciding the fate of Section 346 (i.e. "Dirty Transfer Amendment")-- the Senate amendment to H.R. 3230. (As a refresher, this section would modify Section 120 (h) (3) of CERCLA to allow the transfer, to non-federal parties, of contaminated federal property. Since the House Defense bill does not contain similar language, the provision is now in joint conference committee.) I have heard that unless there is more constituency reponse to this proposed amendment, that it will most likely go through. If you have objections to this amendment, now is the time to raise them with the conferees. Unfortunately, I do not yet have a timeline for when this be out of committee. I will post the information when I receive it. Aimee Houghton ************************************************************************ Defense Authorization Conference Committee Senate Conferees House Conferees Thurmond (R-SC) Spence (R-SC) Warner (R-VA) Stump (R-AZ) Cohen (R-ME) Hunter (R-CA) McCain (R-AZ) Kasich (R-OH) Coats (R-IN) Bateman (R-VA) Smith (R-NH) Hansen (R-UT) Kempthorne (R-ID) Weldon (R-PA) Hutchinson (R-TX) Hefley (R-CO) Inhofe (R-OH) Saxton (R-NJ) Santorum (R-PA) Cunningham (R-CA) Frahm (R- Buyer (R-IN) Nunn (D-GA) Torkildsen (R-MA) Exon (D-NE) Fowler (R-FL) Levin (D-MI) McHugh (R-NY) Kennedy (D-MA) Talent (R-MO) Bingaman (D-NM) Watts (R-OK) Glenn (D-OH) Hostettler (R-IN) Byrd (D-WV) Chambliss (R-GA) Robb (D-VA) Hilleary (R-TN) Lieberman (D-CT) Hastings (R-WA) Bryan (D-NV) Dellums (D-CA) Montgomery (D-MS) Schroeder (D-CO) Skelton (D-MO) Sisisky (D-VA) Spratt (D-NC) Ortiz (D-TX) Pickett (D-VA) Evans (D-IL) Tanner (D-TN) Browder (D-AL) Taylor (D-MS) Tejeda (D-TX) McHale (D-PA) Kennedy (D-RI) DeLauro (D-CT)) Additional members of this committee, working specifically on Section 346 are: Commerce Committee Bliley (R-VA) Dingall (D-MI) Bilirakis (R-FL) Richardson (D-NM) Oxley (R-OH) Schaefer (R-CO) Transportation and Infrastructure Shuster (R- Coble (R- Barcia (D-MI) Resources Dan Miller (D-CA) (he is not specifically working on Section 346, however, he is on the committe in some capacity and does need to hear from constituents on this issue.) | |
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