1997 CPEO Military List Archive

Date: 28 Jan 1997 16:30:12
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Federal Facility Cleanup Info
Link Up to Information on Federal Facility Cleanups

Government reinvention is at work in U.S. EPA*s Federal Facilities 
Restoration and Reuse Office (FFRRO)--contaminated Federal facilities are 
now being cleaned up in a more effective and timely manner that saves 
taxpayer dollars. Information on these activities and other issues 
related to Federal facilities is available at your fingertips through 
FFRRO's home page, located on the Internet at http://www.epa.gov/swerffrr. 

FFRRO leads the Federal government in building partnerships which 
facilitate the cleanup and reuse of Federal facilities. One way in which 
FFRRO builds partnerships is by promoting the involvement of all 
(those people who are affected by or concerned about decision-making at 
Federal facilities). FFRRO staff designed the home page to help facilitate
such involvement by offering users access to the most current information 
on program activities.

The FFRRO home page includes information on:

*Upcoming meetings and events
*Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) activities
*Partnerships with DoD, DOE, and other stakeholders
*Remedy selection and cleanup technologies
*Headquarters and regional contacts
*Success stories

The home page also provides users with an interactive directory of 
personnel and a calendar of conferences, workshops, and meetings. Users 
are invited to E-mail EPA personnel directly with questions, to register 
for events posted on the home page, and to submit information to be added 
to the calendar of events. FFRRO also encourages users to provide 
feedback on the home page on-line.

If you would like to learn more about FFRRO, but do not have access to the 
Internet, you can contact Michelle Morris at 202 260-9924.


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