From: | Aimee Houghton <> |
Date: | Mon, 24 Feb 1997 15:33:07 -0800 (PST) |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Following is information about a RAB training workshop and FFERDC Final Report Briefing which will be taking place in Alaska and hosted by CAREER/PRO and The Keystone Center. This is an extremely long file, it contains, in the following order: 1. An Invitation to the workshop 2. The Draft Agenda 3. Preregistration Forms (MANDATORY) 4. Travel Scholarship Information and Scholarship Application The workshop has been designed to address the particular needs of those affected by federal facility cleanups in Alaska. You may contact myself or any of the other contact persons listed with questions. Aimee Houghton ------------------- CONNECTING CLEANUP TO COMMUNITIES: A FEDERAL FACILITIES PUBLIC WORKSHOP on The Final Report of the Federal Facilities Environmental Restoration Dialogue Committee -and- Issues Affecting Advisory Boards and Communities at Federal Facilities in Alaska .TO: Individuals interested in Alaskan federal facility cleanup issues .From: The Keystone Center and CAREER/PRO .DATE: April 17, 18, and 19, 1997 .LOCATION: WestCoast International Inn, Anchorage, Alaska .FEE: There is no registration fee for this workshop, but PREREGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. SPONSORS: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration U.S. Department of Defense U.S. Air Force U.S. Army TRAVEL: Some federal agencies will provide limited travel funds for their Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) members to attend. To ensure broad participation, EPA has made a limited number of travel scholarships available to persons from sites that do not have RABs. Please return the attached form to The Keystone Center for travel support consideration. Individuals representing a diverse group of parties interested in federal facility cleanup and restoration efforts will meet on April 17, 18, and 19, 1997, in Anchorage, Alaska, to discuss federal cleanup issues and their relationship to the unique environmental, cultural, and historical Alaskan landscape. Workshop organizers and sponsors invite you to join state, tribal, and federal government representatives; community members who live near federal facility sites; and environmental, citizen, and labor groups for a discussion of cooperative approaches to ensuring more effective and efficient cleanups. Many military and agency officials attending the Workshop will be those responsible for working with local and native communities in cleanup efforts, and for communicating with advisory boards. A significant goal of the Workshop is to foster common understanding and improved communication between these individuals and the members of the community. Your attendance, therefore, is vital. The FFERDC was a national EPA-sponsored Committee brought together to discuss and come to consensus on recommendations for environmental cleanup, community involvement, advisory boards, funding and priority setting, and "capacity building"--the improvement and empowerment of community and governmental communications and effectiveness. Participants in the former FFERDC included local, state, tribal, and federal government representatives; military personnel; federal regulators; site-specific activists; and environmental, citizen, and labor groups. The FFERDC was facilitated by The Keystone Center, a Colorado-based nonprofit organization specialized in the mediation of public policy dialogue processes. The Alaska Workshop will explain and build upon the recommendations contained in the FFERDC Final Report, and will discuss the implications of these recommendations for federal facility cleanups in Alaska. The Workshop is sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and will be hosted by The Keystone Center and CAREER/PRO. CAREER/PRO is a program of the San Francisco State University and is experienced in advisory board and community involvement issues, as well as subsequent national policy and legislative issues as they pertain to federal facility clenaup. These organizations have worked with a wide variety of regulated and regulating agency staff, as well as community members from a diversity of Alaskan sites, to develop an agenda of value and interest to those working to influence cleanup issues at contaminated federal facilities in Alaska. In this process, special attention was given to the unique circumstances and challenges implicit in addressing cleanup activities in Alaska. The Workshop will consist of plenary (full group) sessions focused on matters of general interest and smaller breakout groups focused on particular issues. Topics to be covered include (see following agenda for further detail): Recommendations of the FFERDC Final Report and their implications for Alaskan cleanup activities: * How the federal agencies and military services coordinate cleanup activities * Environmental justice and cultural issues related to cleanup activities * Federal, tribal, and state government authorities * Restoration advisory board formation, development, and organization * Opportunities, mechanisms, and sources for cleanup funding * Local Alaskan contracting opportunities * Future land use Attached, you will find a draft agenda for the Workshop. Participants will receive a final agenda after preregistering for the Workshop. LOGISTICS PREREGISTRATION FOR THIS WORKSHOP IS NECESSARY. Prior to sending out the invitations, we have already received an unusually high number of inquiries regarding this Workshop. It may be necessary to limit attendance due to hotel space constraints. Reservations will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. All federal, state, and tribal governments are requested to internally coordinate and limit their participation so that there will be ample space for community members to attend. All persons interested in attending the Workshop must complete and return the attached PREREGISTRATION form. This form must be received by The Keystone Center no later than March 21, 1997. FUNDING Persons requiring travel funding should see the attached letter and form addressing this issue. If you do not have these documents, please call Sue Wilcox at The Keystone Center to request them (800-842-7485). HOTEL AND TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS Most participants are responsible for making their own travel and hotel reservations. Preregistration for this Workshop DOES NOT ensure a hotel reservation. The meeting will be held at: WestCoast International Inn 3333 W. International Airport Road Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Phone: 907-243-2233 (nationwide), 800-426-0670 (except Alaska), or 800-478-2233 (in Alaska) Fax: 907-248-3796 We have reserved a block of sleeping rooms at a rate of $69 per night for a room with one bed (for up to two persons), $79/night for a room with two queen beds (for up to two persons). In order to reserve a sleeping room please call the hotel directly, ask to be connected to the Reservations Department, and use Confirmation number G2376 in order to receive the negotiated rate. You must make your reservations prior to March 27, 1997, in order to ensure room availability and rate. Please note that check-in time is 1:00 p.m. and check out time is 12:00 noon. If you have been awarded a scholarship from EPA to pay for your travel to the meeting, please do not make a hotel or travel reservations. EPA will make these arrangements for you. If you are receiving financial support for travel from your RAB, please work directly with the RAB staff to determine the appropriate method for hotel and travel support. Please ensure that this is done in an expedious manner given that hotel space is limited. QUESTIONS Please feel free to contact either The Keystone Center or CAREER/PRO if you need further information regarding preregistration, logistics, or any other information about the Workshop. We are here to help, and will be happy to answer any questions you might have. Please contact Kristi Parker, Christopher Spaulding, or Sue Wilcox at The Keystone Center via telephone (800-842-7485), facsimile (970-262-0152), or e-mail (,, or You may contact Aimee Houghton at CAREER/PRO via telephone (415-904-7750), facsimile (415-904-7765), or e-mail ( Questions regarding the role and involvement of various federal agencies can be directed to: NOAA sites: Donna Cocking, phone: 206-526-4434 Air Force sites: Roger Lucio, phone: 800-222-4137; from outside AK: 907-552-4532 Army sites: Cristal Fosbrook, phone: 907-384-3044 Navy sites: Jack Wynne: 360-396-0069 FAA sites: Cathy Benediktsson, phone: 907-271-5373 USDA sites: Harry Kringler, phone: 202-260-6565 DOI sites: Willie Taylor, phone: 202-208-3891 DOE sites: Don Beck, phone: 202-586-7633 We look forward to working with you, and sincerely hope you will be able to attend the Workshop. --DRAFT AGENDA-- (Please keep in mind that this is a draft agenda. And while we have tried to identify and confirm as many speakers as possible, due any to unforseen scheduling conflicts speakers may change. A final agenda will be mailed out upon our receipt of your pre registration forms.) CONNECTING CLEANUP TO COMMUNITIES: A FEDERAL FACILITIES WORKSHOP A Public Workshop on The Final Report of the Federal Facilities Environmental Restoration Dialogue Committee -and- Issues Affecting Advisory Boards and Communities at Federal Facilities in Alaska April 17, 18, and 19, 1997 WestCoast International Inn, Anchorage, Alaska ***** DAY 1 ***** Thursday, April 17, 1997 8:00 a.m. Registration and Coffee Available. 9:00 a.m. Welcome. Alan Larson, Sr.--FFERDC member, Alaska Chapter, Indigenous Environmental Network, and Michele Brown--Commissioner, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation 9:20 a.m. Review of Workshop Agenda and Logistics. Kristi Parker--Co-Facilitator of the FFERDC, Senior Associate, The Keystone Center 9:30 a.m. Introduction to the Workshop and the FFERDC. Facilitator: Kristi Parker--The Keystone Center -Overview of the FFERDC and its Role. Jim Woolford--Director, Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency -Overview of DoD's and NOAA's Role in the FFERDC and Review of the FFERDC Principles (Chapter 2). Pat Rivers--Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Environmental Security)/Cleanup, Department of Defense (DoD), and Sam Higuchi, Jr.--Environmental Compliance & Safety Officer, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 10:20 a.m. Brief Overview of All Federal Facility Sites in Alaska. Facilitator: Kristi Parker--The Keystone Center -Overview of all Sites. Chris Kent--Environmental Scientist, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC). -DoD sites. Pat Rivers--Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Environmental Security)/Cleanup Department of Defense -Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDs). Bob Chivvis--U.S. Army Corps of Engineers -FAA sites. Catherine Benediktsson--Federal Aviation Administration -NOAA sites. Dan Strandy--Division Chief, Facilities and Logistics Division, NOAA 11:00 a.m. Regulatory Primer: Rules of the Cleanup Game. Facilitator: Aimee Houghton--CAREER/PRO -Federal Regulatory Laws and EPA's Role and Structure. Jim Woolford--Director, Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency -Alaska State Regulatory Laws. ADEC's Role and Structure. Randall Buckendorf--Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation 12:10 p.m. General Announcements 12:15 p.m. Working Lunch. 1:30 p.m. Regulatory Primer. (continued) -Tribal Regulatory Authority and the Outcomes and Ramifications of the Recent Alaska vs. Venetie Decision. Mervyn Tano--formerly with the Council on Energy Resource Tribes and FFERDC member, and Dave Case--Copeland, Landye, Bennet, & Wolf Open Dialogue. 2:45 p.m. Break. 3:00 p.m. Environmental Justice: How It Shapes Native and Cross Cultural Communication Issues. Facilitator: Aimee Houghton--CAREER/PRO -Cross Cultural Communication: Transcending Traditional Barriers Clifford Black (unconfirmed) -Environmental Justice Executive Order and what it means to Alaska. Jean Gamache--Greenpeace -History of Alaska and the Native Demography. Edgar Blatchford--University of Alaska -Alaskan Native Political Organizations and Alaskan Development Corporations: A History and Perspective. Gordon Pullar--Department of Alaska Native and Rural Development Open Dialogue. 5:45 p.m. Reception and Hands-on Demonstration of Electronic (Internet) Resources Dedicated to Federal Facilities Cleanups. Poster Sessions. 7:30 p.m. Adjourn. ***** DAY 2 ***** Friday, April 18, 1997 8:30 a.m. Coffee Available. 9:00 a.m. Budgeting, Funding, and Priority Setting: An Overview and Training of Chapter Five, FFERDC Final Report. Facilitator: Tim Mealey--Associate Director, The Keystone Center -Funding Cycles and How to Account for Budget Shortfalls. Lenny Siegel--Director, CAREER/PRO -Building and Prioritizing the Defense Environmental Restoration Account (DERA). Pat Rivers--Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Environmental Security)/Cleanup, Department of Defense 10:30 a.m. Break 10:45 a.m. Budgeting, Funding, and Priority Setting. (continued) -How the State of Alaska Sets its Cleanup Budget Priorities. Jennifer Roberts--Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation -Regulatory Ramifications of Budgeting Shortfalls: EPA's Role. Jim Woolford-- Director, Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Open Dialogue. 11:55 a.m. General Announcements 12:00 p.m. Working Lunch. Small Group Discussions During Lunch: -U.S. Air Force Programmatic Budget for Cleanup. Col. John Selstrom--Chief, Air Force Environmental Restoration Division, U.S. Air Force -Navy Budgeting Process for Clean-up. Speaker to be determined. -NOAA Budgeting Process for Clean-up. Sam Higuchi, Jr.--Environmental Compliance & Safety Officer, NOAA -FAA Budgeting Process for Clean-up. Speaker to be determined. 1:15 p.m. The Use of Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessments in Cleanup Decisionmaking. Facilitator: Tim Mealey--Keystone Center -Summary of Relevant FFERDC Recommendations. Tim Mealey, Associate Director, The Keystone Center -A Critical Perspective. Ted Schettler, MD, MPH--Co-Chair, Committee on Human Health and the Environment, Physicians for Social Responsibility -An ADEC Perspective. Linda Himmelbauer--Risk Assessment Specialist, Contaminateid Sites Program, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation -An Alaskan Perspective. Larry Merculieff--Indigenous Peoples Council on Marine Mammals Sea Coalition -A DoD Perspective (including information about the difference between "risk assessment" and DoD's "relative risk site evaluation" effort). Lt. Col. John Selstrom--Chief, Air Force Environmental Restoration Division Open Dialogue focused on unique considerations regarding the role of human health and ecological risk assessment in cleanup decisions in Alaska. 2:30 p.m. The Relationship Between Future Land Use and Cleanup. Facilitator: Tim Mealey--The Keystone Center -Summary of Relevant FFERDC Recommendations. Tim Mealey--Associate Director, The Keystone Center -An EPA Perspective. Rick Albright--Director, Alaskan Operations, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency -A DoD Perspective. Pat Rivers--Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Environmental Security)/Cleanup, Department of Defense -A State Perspective. Samuel Goodhope--former member, FFERDC, Defense Environmental Restoration Task Force Member, and Office of the Texas Attorney General Open Dialogue focused on unique considerations regarding the relationship between future land use and cleanup in Alaska. 3:30 p.m. Break. 3:45 p.m. Starting From the Ground Up: Local Cleanup Concerns. Facilitator: Aimee Houghton--CAREER/PRO [Each presentation will lay out the options for characterizing, remediating, and disposing or treating each type of contamination. Participants may choose to attend one of the three sessions, which will occur simultaneously.] First Breakout Groundwater. Diane Soderlund--Alaska Operations Branch Regional Program Manager and Kevin Gardner or Cristal Fosbrook (both unconfirmed) Surface Soil and Sediment. Dennis Hardy--Environmental Engineer, Alaska District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Open Dialogue Second Breakout Fuels and Underground Storage Tanks. Cathy Benediktsson--Federal Aviation Administration Landfills and Barrel Bluffs. Dave Hurtsock--USAF, King Salmon--unconfirmed Open Dialogue Third Breakout Ordnance and Explosives. Cathy Steen--EMCOM Alaska Lenny Siegel--Director, CAREER/PRO Open Dialogue 5:00 p.m. Feedback on the day in small groups. 5:15 - 6:15 p.m. Press availability session. ***** DAY 3 ***** Saturday, April 19, 1997 7:30 a.m. Coffee Available. 8:00 a.m. Optional Session: Information Regarding the Selection rocess for Local Contracting Opportunities. Facilitator: Chris Spaulding--The Keystone Center -Mike Andrews--Executive Director, Human Resources Investment Council, and Robert Johnston--Engineering Manager, U.S Army Corps of Engineers Open Dialogue 9:00 a.m. Having a Stake in the Outcome: Community Involvement. Facilitator: Kristi Parker--The Keystone Center Overview of FFERDC Chapter 3--Community Involvement. Aimee Houghton--Communications Coordinator, CAREER/PRO, and FFERDC member, and Mervyn Tano--formerly with the Council on Energy Resource Tribes and FFERDC member. -How to Effectively Influence the Cleanup Process: Tips for Community Empowerment in Rural and Non-Rural Communities. Lenny Siegel--Director, CAREER/PRO, and Bob Sattler--Tanana Chiefs Conference Open Dialogue 10:15 a.m. Break. 10:30 a.m. Restoration Advisory Boards. Facilitator: Kristi Parker--The Keystone Center -Overview of FFERDC Chapter 4--Advisory Boards. Samuel Goodhope--Former Member, FFERDC, Defense Environmental Restoration Task Force Member, and Office of the Texas Attorney General -DOD RAB Program and Technical Assistance For Public Participation Grants (TAPP Grants). Pat Ferrebee--Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Environmental Security), Department of Defense Open Dialogue. 11:55 a.m. Announcements 12:00 noon Working Lunch. 1:15 p.m. Panel on Lessons Learned in Forming and Operating a RAB. Facilitator: Kristi Parker--The Keystone Center -Elary Gromoff--Chairman of TDX Corporation, Community Co-Chair of Adak RAB and member of the NOAA Pribilof RAB (not confirmed) -Terry Huisman--Co-Chair of the Eielson Air Force RAB -Roger Lucio--Community Relations Coordinator, Elmendorf Air Force Base -Pat Rivers--Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Environmental Security)/Cleanup, Department of Defense Open Dialogue. 2:30 p.m. Capacity Building: What's a Seat at the Table Without the Tools? or Where You Can Get From Here. Facilitator: Aimee Houghton--CAREER/PRO -Aimee Houghton, Communications Coordinator, CAREER/PRO, and Mervyn Tano, formerly with the Council on Energy Resources Tribes and FFERDC member Open Dialogue. 3:00 p.m. Break. 3:15 p.m. Developing a Plan of Action: Real Life Problem Solving. Jennifer Roberts-Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, and Aimee Houghton--Communications Coordinator, CAREER/PRO Open Dialogue. 4:30 p.m. Workshop Critique and Closing Comments. 5:00 p.m. Adjourn. _______________________________ ***** ATTENDANCE RESPONSE FORM ***** All attendance responses MUST be received by Sue Wilcox at The Keystone Center, (fax: 970-262-0152 or mail to: P.O. Box 8606, Keystone, CO 80435) NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1997. She may also be reached by phone at 800-842-7485. CONNECTING CLEANUP TO COMMUNITIES: A FEDERAL FACILITIES WORKSHOP WESTCOAST INTERNATIONAL INN, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA--APRIL 17, 18, AND 19, 1997 DUE DATE: MARCH 21, 1997 Name: ___________________________________________________________________ RAB / Site / Affiliation: ___________________________________________________________________ Title: ___________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code ___________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ______________________ Fax: __________________________ Email______________________________________________________________ Please check if appropriate: ___ Yes, I plan to attend the workshop. ___ I do not plan to attend the workshop. ___ I am applying for a travel scholarship (please see following form). ___ I would like to receive a copy of the FFERDC Final Report prior to the Workshop. As part of the Workshop, we plan to have space available for presenters and attendees to display posters, signs, and literature of relevance to the Workshop. Federal, state, and tribal governments are encouraged to provide information regarding the types and number of federal facility sites in Alaska and information on how the community members can seek assistance from your agency. In order to help us plan the amount of space we will need for this, please answer the following questions: ___ Yes, I would like to display a poster(s). ___ I do not plan to display any posters. If you answered affirmatively above, please describe below: the number, size, and content of the posters/signs and their relevance to federal facility restoration in Alaska and any other relevant information ___ Yes, I would like to display literature. ___ I do not plan to display any literature. If you answered affirmatively above, please describe below: the quantity and the content of the literature and relevance to federal facility restoration in Alaska you would like to bring and any other relevant information Please note that the hosts of the Workshop cannot be responsible for the copying of any literature. Therefore, please bring a sufficient number of copies for distribution or provide a sign-up sheet. Please take a moment to offer any comments, concerns, suggestions, or expectations concerning the format and/or content of the Workshop. We would greatly value your input. Please use additional paper as necessary. All attendance responses must be received by Sue Wilcox at The Keystone Center, (fax: 970-262-0152 or mail to: P.O. Box 8606, Keystone, CO 80435) no later than Friday, March 21, 1997. She may also be reached by phone at 800-842-7485. ***** TRAVEL SCHOLARSHIPS ***** Memorandum .To: Individuals Seeking Travel Support for Attending the Alaskan Federal Facilities Workshop .from: The Keystone Center .Subject:Guidelines and Application Form .Date: February 18, 1997 The former Federal Facilities Environmental Restoration Dialogue Committee (FFERDC) welcomes and encourages a wide diversity of people and interests to attend this Workshop--including those interested in, concerned about, or working on Alaskan federal facility sites with environmental cleanup activities--such as U.S. Air Force; U.S. Army; U.S. Navy; Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS); Department of Energy (DOE) sites; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) sites; Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) sites; Department of Interior (DOI) sites; and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) sites. In the spirit of promoting such attendance, there is NO registration fee for the Workshop. The Air Force, the Army, and NOAA are working to provide some travel funding for members of their Restoration Advisory Boards (RABs) to attend the Alaskan Workshop. Allocation of these funds for RAB members will be determined at the site level, in consultation with RAB members. Individuals interested in this type of travel support should contact the senior NOAA or Military Service staff person working with their local RAB. If additional assistance is needed, the following individuals may be contacted: NOAA sites: Donna Cocking, phone: 206-526-4434 Air Force sites: Roger Lucio, phone: 800-222-4137; from outside Alaska: 907-552-4532 Army sites: Cristal Fosbrook, phone: 907-384-3044 The Environmental Protection Agency is offering a limited number of travel scholarships to individuals interested in or affected by cleanup of Alaskan federal facility sites that DO NOT have formal RABs. In order to apply for this funding, please complete the enclosed form and return it to Sue Wilcox of The Keystone Center via fax, e-mail, or regular mail. APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY MARCH 14, 1997 TO BE CONSIDERED. Applicants will be notified regarding travel awards by March 21, 1997. EPA travel support will cover basic transportation, food, and hotel expenses only. Phone calls and other incidental expenses will not be covered. Specific government guidelines will be provided to those awarded scholarships. If you have questions about the application process, please contact Kristi Parker, Tim Mealey, or Chris Spaulding of The Keystone Center at 1-800-842-7485. ***** TRAVEL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORM ***** Alaskan Federal Facilities Cleanup Workshop and FFERDC Briefing April 17 - 19, 1997 Anchorage, Alaska If you would like to attend this workshop and briefing but need travel assistance, please fill out the application below and send it to The Keystone Center. Please remember, this application process is only for individuals affected by or concerned about federal facility cleanups at Alaskan sites that currently do not have Restoration Advisory Boards (RABs). All applications must be RECEIVED BY MARCH 14, 1997. Return all applications to: Sue Wilcox, The Keystone Center Fax: 970-262-0152, P.O. Box 8606 Keystone, CO 80435 NAME:_____________________________________________________ Federal facility site affecting your community: ___________________________________________________________ Community / Organization / Affiliation, if any: ___________________________________________________________ Are you a member of a Restoration Advisory Board (RAB), if so, which one: ___________________________________________________________ Full Mailing Address:__________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ City:_________________________________State:_____Zip:__________ Daytime Phone: ( )_____________________ Fax: ( )_____________________ Home Phone: ( )_____________________ Fax: ( )_____________________ E-mail Address:____________________________________________________ Will you need lodging for the nights of April 17 & 18, 1997? _______________ We have designed this workshop/briefing to be very interactive, please briefly explain some of the issues you would like to address at the meeting and what you hope to learn from this experience. | |