1997 CPEO Military List Archive

From: Peter Strauss <pstrauss@igc.org>
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 13:32:50 -0800 (PST)
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Re: CAL DSMOA $$$
To add to Lenny's concerns about the lack of funds allocated for state 
agencies, an interesting discussion took place at the last Moffett 
RAB. The general question was asked to a private PRP adjacent to 
Moffett whether it felt that the Navy was recieving the same 
requirements for cleanup and monitoring as were pribvate sites. Its 
answer was unequivably no - that private sites were held to a much 
higher standard. One of the state regulators responded that while 
there may be some truth to this claim, the reason the Navy is not held 
to the same standard is because DoD funds, throrugh DSMOA, regulatory 
oversight. Thereby, there is often a greater degree of comfort with 
some proposals by the DoD. In the case of private parties, the burden 
of proof is greater because of lack of familiarity. This is a 
quantifiable benefit of having strong and consistent regulatory obverrsight.
Peter Strauss

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