From: | (Sharon Buccino) |
Date: | 16 Jun 1997 10:35:23 |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | NRDC H.R. 1778 Sign-On Letter (URGENT) |
Here is the letter we are circulating for sign-on. We are trying to get CEO (chief executive officer) sign-on. To sign-on, folks should call Sharon Buccino (NRDC) at 202-289-2406 by Mon at 4:00 pm EDT Monday, June 16. Thanks for your help. June 16, 1997 The Honorable Floyd Spence The Honorable Ronald Dellums Chairman Ranking Member House National Security Committee House National Security Committee U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Representatives: On behalf of the thousands of members we represent, we write to urge you to strike Title III, the inappropriate and destructive environmental riders from H.R. 1778, the Defense Reform Act of 1997. This bill rolls back critical hazardous waste and clean air protections and undermines recent efforts to ensure that the federal government does its part to keep America's clean and healthy. Title III circumvents the Superfund reauthorization process currently underway. Congressional leaders from both parties, as well as numerous stakeholders, have invested significant time and thought into the ongoing Superfund discussions in both the House and Senate. We do not feel that Title III is a constructive contribution to the ongoing discussions. Instead it places a barrier in the middle of an ongoing process. Title III severely weakens existing environmental standards. Subtitle A (Sections 301-304) would roll back the hazardous waste clean-up standards and remedy selection process now in place, affecting both federal and non-federal facilities. These provisions take us back to the bad old days when all waste was contained rather than cleaned up, imposing the costs of hazardous waste on our kids and communities rather than the companies and agencies that created the problem. Specifically, rather than simply considering cost in the selection of the best remedy to achieve clean-up goals, the bill allows costs to lower clean-up standards. The bill also mistakenly places excessive faith in institutional controls to predict and limit future land uses, but fails to provide mechanisms to assure that those predictions and controls place binding, enforceable restrictions on future landowners. Title III lets the federal government off the hook for cleaning up its waste and the nation's air. Subtitle B (Sections 311-315) specifically exempts the Departments of Defense and Energy from various Superfund clean-up and other environmental standards, excusing federal facilities from the level of public health protection imposed on private companies and local governments. Many of the most contaminated hazardous waste sites in the country were created by the federal government, and these sites should be subject to the same laws and standards that apply to those owned by non-federal parties. Likewise, H.R. 1778 is not the place to issue blanket exemptions from important steps now being considered by the Environmental Protection Agency to clean the air. The responsibility of maintaining a healthy environment should be shouldered by the government and citizens alike. Please strip H.R. 1778 of this attack on our environmental and public health protections. We urge you to respect the process and the hard work that many community and environmental activists, as well as industry and federal representatives, have put into working with the committees of jurisdiction to develop responsible changes to the Superfund program. Sincerely, John Adams Executive Director Natural Resources Defense Council Robert K. Musil, Ph.D. Executive Director Physicians for Social Responsibility Fred Krupp Executive Director Environmental Defense Fund Susan Gordon Executive Director Military Production Network | |
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