From: | Aimee Houghton <> |
Date: | Mon, 16 Jun 1997 12:19:00 -0700 (PDT) |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | EPA CEASE FIRE ORDER Part 3 |
SCOPE OF WORK MASSACHUSETTS MILITARY RESERVATION TRAINING RANGE AND IMPACT AREA Appendix A to EPA Region I Administrative Order SDWA I-97-1030 RCRA I-97-1031 I. INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE This Scope of Work (SOW) defines the response actions and obligations that Respondents are obligated to perform to implement the Work required under the Administrative Order, Docket Numbers SDWA I-97-1030, RCRA I-97-1031 (the "Order"), issued by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding the Training Range and Impact Area at Massachusetts Military Reservation (MMR) on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. II. RESPONSE ACTIVITIES Respondents shall perform the following Work: A. Respondents shall implement the following pollution prevention measures at or near the Training Range and Impact Area: 1. During the performance of the study of the Training Range and Impact Area being performed by the National Guard Bureau pursuant to the February 27, 1997 Order, and following completion of such study until EPA approves in writing the resumption of activities, except as provided in Section XXXIV of the Order, Modification of the SOW, Respondents shall suspend the following activities: a. All firing of lead ammunition or other "live" ammunition at small arms ranges at or near the Training Range and Impact Area; b. All artillery firing using high explosives at or near the Training Range and Impact Area; c. All mortar firing using high explosives at or near the Training Range and Impact Area; d. All planned demolition of ordnance or explosives at or near the Training Range and Impact Area, except for unexploded ordnance (UXO) clearance activities; e. All use of artillery and mortar propellants in non-live firing of munitions at or near the Training Range and Impact Area; f. All use of pyrotechnics at or near the Training Range and Impact Area; g. All burning of propellant or propellant bags at or near the Training Range and Impact Area. B. Within 30 days of the effective date of this Order, Respondents shall cover all berms in and near the Training Range and Impact Area in which expended small arms munitions have come to be located with flexible membrane liners of water-impermeable material approved by EPA. Such flexible membrane liners shall remain in place until Respondents remove lead from the berms pursuant to this Order and SOW, and receive EPA approval of completion of the lead removal; however, Respondents may temporarily remove the flexible membrane liners while the small arms ranges are actively being used for the firing of non-live ammunition. C. Respondents shall remove lead munitions from all berms at all small arms ranges in the Training Range and Impact Area. 1. Within 30 days of the effective date of this Order, Respondents shall provide to EPA's Technical Project Coordinator and make available to the public a schedule and work plan with specific dates for removing lead munitions from soils in the berms at all small arms ranges on or near the Training Range and Impact Area. Such schedule and work plan shall include the following: a. A project objective of removing the maximum amount of lead munitions from the soil; b. Any necessary bench or field testing; c. A schedule for initiation and completion of lead munitions removal activities; d. Recycling the removed lead munitions, as appropriate; e. Use of soil modifiers to minimize prospective bullet corrosion and lead migration; and f. Coordination between lead munitions removal activities, and the installation and use of flexible membrane liners on all berms, as required above in Section II.B. of this SOW. 2. Within 15 days of receiving EPA's approval or modification of the schedule and work plan described above in Section II.C.1. of this SOW, Respondent shall initiate performance of all activities in the work plan as approved or modified. D. Respondents shall initiate and complete periodic "sweeps" of portions of the Training Range and Impact Area with the objective of clearance of UXO to reduce the potential for UXO to deteriorate or leak into the environment. 1. Within 30 days of the effective date of this Order, Respondents shall provide to EPA's Technical Project Coordinator and make available to the public a schedule and work plan with specific dates for periodic UXO clearance "sweeps". 2. After receiving EPA's approval or modification of the schedule and work plan described above in Section II.D.1. of this SOW, Respondent shall initiate performance of periodic UXO clearance "sweeps". E. If, following completion of the study required by EPA's February 27, 1997 Order, and any actions resulting from that study, or pursuant to Section XXXIV of the Order, EPA approves resumption of Respondents' activities at the Training Range and Impact Area, Respondents shall ensure maximum feasible use at such time of pollution prevention technologies in any training activities. Specific measures to be evaluated by Respondents include the following: 1. Use of non-toxic lead-free combat ammunition; 2. Use of bullet traps at all small arms ranges; 3. Use of munitions-capturing material, such as "Sacon"; 4. Use of non-exploding artillery and mortar rounds; and 5. Development of guidances for the operation and maintenance of the ranges consistent with the pollution prevention strategies. F. If, following completion of the study required by EPA's February 27, 1997 Order, and any actions resulting from that study, or pursuant to Section XXXIV of the Order, EPA approves resumption of Respondents' activities at the Training Range and Impact Area, Respondents shall provide for monitoring of air emissions, as appropriate, from any activities undertaken in and near the Training Range and Impact Area. 1. Prior to initiating any activities which may generate air emissions, Respondents shall provide to EPA's Technical Project Coordinator and make available to the public a schedule and work plan with specific dates for monitoring air emissions from Respondents' activities. 2. After receiving EPA's approval or modification of the schedule and work plan described above in Section II.F.1. of this SOW, Respondent shall initiate performance of air emissions monitoring in the work plan as approved or modified. G. In addition to any other requirement of this Order and SOW, during the period in which Respondents are performing response activities pursuant to the Order, Respondents shall submit to EPA and make available to the public written monthly progress reports that: (1) describe the actions which have been taken toward achieving compliance with this Order during the previous month; (2) include a summary of all results of sampling and tests and all other data received or generated by Respondents or its contractors or agents in the previous month; (3) identify all work plans, reports and other deliverables required by the Order that were completed and submitted during the previous month; (4) describe all actions scheduled for the next six weeks and provide other information relating to the progress of Work under the Order; include information regarding percentage of completion, unresolved delays encountered or anticipated that may affect the future schedule for implementation of the Work, and a description of efforts made to mitigate those delays or anticipated delays. Respondents shall submit these progress reports to EPA by the tenth day of every month following the effective date of the Order. These progress reports will also include description of progress made in ensuring future use of pollution prevention technologies as specified in Section II.E above. If requested by EPA, Respondents shall also provide briefings for EPA to discuss the progress of the Work. H. For the activities described above in this SOW, Respondents shall provide EPA with a description of health and safety measures to be undertaken by Respondents in performance of the Work under this Order, including all plans, training and other health and safety measures necessary. I. Within 45 days after Respondents conclude that they have completed all response activities under the Order, Respondents shall submit to EPA and make available to the public a report (the "Completion of Work Report") describing in detail the Work undertaken under the Order and the results of the Work. J. EPA shall review the Completion of Work Report. If EPA determines that no further Work is necessary under the Order, EPA will so notify Respondents. If EPA determines that further Work is necessary under the Order, EPA will notify Respondents of such Work, and will either provide a schedule for completion of such Work, or will direct Respondents to submit within a specified time period a schedule for completion of such Work. III. SUBMISSIONS REQUIRING AGENCY APPROVAL Plans, reports, and other deliverables identified in this SOW, or identified in EPA's approval or modification of any schedule and work plan to be submitted pursuant to this SOW, shall be delivered to EPA in accordance with the Order and this SOW. IV. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT Respondents shall ensure adequate public involvement in all the Work undertaken pursuant to the Order and SOW. Within 30 days after the effective date of this Order, Respondents shall submit to EPA and make available to the public a plan, or, at their option, submit an amendment to the plan required by the February 27, 1997 Order for ensuring adequate public involvement, including but not limited to the following: A. Making immediately available to the public all nonprivileged information obtained or compiled pursuant to this Order; B. Coordinating the Work under this Order and SOW with the citizens advisory committee to be established by EPA to oversee and monitor the Work, and providing resources for the effective functioning of the citizens advisory committee; C. Providing periodic oral and written updates to the public on the progress of the Work; D. Sharing immediately with the public all conclusions reached by Respondent or its representatives with respect to the effects of past and present activities at the Training Range and Impact Area; and E. Coordinating the Work under this Order and SOW with the response actions being undertaken at MMR by the Installation Restoration Program, and with the study of the Training Range and Impact Area being conducted pursuant to the February 27, 1997 order. | |
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