1997 CPEO Military List Archive

From: "Paul Bloom" <pbloom@Soils.Umn.EDU>
Date: 07 Jul 1997 18:30:59
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Re: Sole US-Philippine responsibility for contamination
List members,

Yes, the Japanese caused environmental destruction that still can be found but 
this is not an argument to absolve the US of responsibility for the pollution 
they left in Philippine soil and waters. The US military should take 
responsibility for the mess they left. The logic is simple and compelling, 
however, the politics are complex.

Regarding the spilling of US blood in the Philippines:

 Many more Filipinos than Americans died in that horrible war and some Filipinos 
contend that if they had not been a US colony the destruction would not been 
nearly so great. They argue that the US installations made them a target. 
Regardless of the merits of that argument, both Filipinos and US forces fought 
bravely and the fact that US troops died on Philippine soil does not absolve 
the US military of the responsibility for cleaning up when they left the 

Paul Bloom

Paul R. Bloom Phone: 612-625-4711
Department of Soil,Water, and Climate Fax: 612-625-2208
University of Minnesota e-mail: pbloom@soils.umn.edu
1991 Upper Buford Circle
St.Paul MN 55108

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