From: | "Grace Bukowsk" <> (Grace Bukowski) |
Date: | 13 Jul 1997 11:40:26 |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | Titanium Tetrachloride |
Hi Folks, Found this on the web. Clearly the use of so called "inert" ordnance will continue to pose significant health and enviromental risks. The DOD is currently using this ordnance at the Bravo-16 range at Fallon NAS and they are proposing to use it at the proposed Idaho bombing range. I'm sure there are other location, maybe Michigan, as well. This is nasty stuff. Grace University of Toronto - Earth Sciences Library Holding -------------------------------------- The following contains information on health hazards, medical treatments and precautions, and finally ecological hazards. Aimee -------------------------------------- Title Toxicological Profile for Titanium Tetrachloride. Draft for Public Comment. Keywords Titanium Tetrachloride. Organization US. Dept of Health and Human Services. Call Number US1 DH 94T37 Date 1994 Location Technical Reports Shelves. Identifier 15565 TE ---------------------------------------- Common Name: Titanium Tetrachloride CAS Number: 7550-45-0 DOT Number: UN 1838 DATE: December 1989 ---------------------------------------- Hazard Summary * Titanium Tetrachloride can effect you when breathed in. * Contact can burn the eyes. The fumes also irritate the eyes and higher exposure can damage the eyes. * Breathing Titanium Tetrachloride can irritate the nose, throat and air passages, causing cough and phlegm. Repeated exposure can cause chronic bronchitis and may cause emphysema. Higher exposures can cause fluid in the lungs, a medical emergency, and even DEATH. * Skin contact can cause burns. IDENTIFICATION Titanium Tetrachloride is a colorless or light yellow, fuming liquid with a pungent odor. It is usually found in a solution with a solvent, Dichloromethane or used with an inert gas such as Nitrogen. It is used to make iridescent glass, artificial pearls, smoke screens and a catalyst. REASON FOR CITATION * Titanium Tetrachloride is on the Hazardous Substance List because it is cited by DOT and EPA. * This chemical is on the Special Health Hazard Substance List because it is CORROSIVE. * Definitions are attached. HOW TO DETERMINE IF YOU ARE BEING EXPOSED * Exposure to hazardous substances should be routinely evaluated. This may include collecting personal and are air samples. You can obtain copies of sampling results from your employer. You have a legal right to this information under OSHA 1910.20. * If you think you are experiencing any work-related health problems, see a doctor trained to recognize occupational diseases. Take this Fact Sheet with you. WORKPLACE EXPOSURE LIMITS No occupational exposure limits have been established for Titanium Tetrachloride. This does not mean that this substance is not harmful. Safe work practices should always be followed. * Titanium Tetrachloride is corrosive. All contact with this chemical should be reduced to the lowest possible level. WAYS OF REDUCING EXPOSURE * Where possible, enclose operations and use local exhaust ventilation at the site of chemical release. If local exhaust ventilation or enclosure is not used, respirators should be worn. * Wear protective work clothing. * Wash thoroughly immediately after exposure to Titanium Tetrachloride. * Post hazard and warning information in the work area. In addition, as part of an ongoing education and training effort, communicate all information on the health and safety hazards of Titanium Tetrachloride to potentially exposed workers. This Fact Sheet is a summary source of information of all potential and most severe health hazards that may result from exposure. Duration of exposure, concentration of the substance and other factors will affect your susceptibility to any of the potential effects described below. ---------------------------------------- HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION Acute Health Effects The following acute (short-term) health effects may occur immediately or shortly after exposure to 2,4-Dinitrophenol: * Eye and skin contact can cause burns, with scarring. * Breathing Titanium Tetrachloride irritates the throat and air passages, with cough and phlegm. Higher exposures can cause a build-up of fluid in the lungs (pulmonary edema), a medical emergency. * High or repeated eye exposure to the fumes can cause eye damage. Chronic Health Effects The following chronic (long-term) health effects can occur at some time after exposure to Titanium Tetrachloride and can last for months or years: Cancer Hazard * According to the information presently available to the New Jersey Department of Health, Titanium Tetrachloride has not been tested for its ability to cause cancer in animals. Reproductive Hazard * According to the information presently available to the New Jersey Department of Health, Titanium Tetrachloride has not been tested for its ability to adversely affect reproduction. Other Long-Term Effects * Repeated exposure can cause chronic bronchitis and may cause emphysema, with symptoms cough and shortness of breath. This effect is more likely at exposures where irritation is noticeable. MEDICAL Medical Testing * Ling function testing before employment with Titanium Tetrachloride and at regular times after that is recommended. * Seek medical attention if illness or overexposure is suspected. Any evaluation should include a careful history of past and present symptoms with an exam. Medical tests that look for damage already done are not a substitute for controlling exposure. Request copies of your medical testing. You have a legal right to this information under OSHA 1910.20. WORKPLACE CONTROLS AND PRACTICES Unless a less toxic chemical can be substituted for a hazardous substance, ENGINEERING CONTROLS are the most effective way of reducing exposure. The best protection is to enclose operations and/or provide local exhaust ventilation at the site of chemical release. Isolating operations can also reduce exposure. Using respirators or protective equipment is less effective than the controls mentioned above, but is sometimes necessary. In evaluating the controls present in your workplace, consider: (1) how hazardous the substance is, (2) how much of the substance is released into the workplace and (3) whether harmful skin or eye contact could occur. Special controls should be in place for highly toxic chemicals or when significant skin, eye, or breathing exposures are possible. In addition, the following control are recommended: * Where possible, automatically pump liquid Titanium Tetrachloride from drums or other storage containers to process containers. Good WORK PRACTICES can help to reduce hazardous exposures. The following work practices are recommended: * Workers whose clothing has been contaminated by Titanium Tetrachloride should change into clean clothing promptly. * Eye wash fountains should be provided in the immediate work area for emergency use. * If there is the possibility of skin exposure, emergency shower facilities should be provided. * On skin contact with Titanium Tetrachloride, immediately wash or shower to remove the chemical. * Do not eat, smoke, or drink where Titanium Tetrachloride is handled, processed, or stored, since the chemical can be swallowed. Wash hands carefully before eating or smoking. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT WORKPLACE CONTROLS ARE BETTER THAN PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT. However, for some jobs (such as outside work, confined space entry, jobs done only once in a while, or jobs done while workplace controls are being installed), personal protective equipment may be appropriate. The following recommendations are only guidelines and may not apply to every situation. Clothing * Avoid skin contact with Titanium Tetrachloride. Wear acid- resistant gloves and clothing. Safety equipment suppliers/manufacturers can provide recommendations on the most protective glove/clothing material for your operation. * All protective clothing (suites, gloves, footwear, headgear) should be clean, available each day, and put on before work. Eye Protection * Wear splash-proof chemical goggles and face shield when working with liquid, unless full facepiece respiratory protection is worn. Respiratory Protection IMPROPER USE OF RESPIRATORS IS DANGEROUS. Such equipment should only be used if the employer has a written program that takes into account workplace conditions, requirements for worker training, respirator fit testing and medical exams, as described in OSHA 1910.134. * Engineering controls must be effective to ensure that exposure to Titanium Tetrachloride does not occur. * Where the potential exists for exposure to Titanium Tetrachloride, use a MSHA/NIOSH approved supplied-air respirator with a full facepiece operated in the positive pressure mode or with a full facepiece, hood, or helmet in the continuous flow mode, or use a MSHA/NIOSH approved self- contained breathing apparatus with a full facepiece operated in pressure-demand or other positive pressure mode. Common Name: Titanium Tetrachloride DOT Number: UN 1838 DOT Emergency Guide codes: 39 CAS Number: 7550-45-0 ---------------------------------------- Hazard rating NJDOH NFPA Flammability - 0 Reactivity - 1 ---------------------------------------- CORROSIVE POISONOUS GASES ARE PRODUCED IN FIRE DO NOT USE WATER CONTACT WITH MOIST AIR OR WATER PRODUCES VAPORS OF HYDROCHLORIC ACID. ---------------------------------------- Hazard Rating Key: 0=minimal; 1=slight; 2=moderate; 3=serious; 4=severe FIRE HAZARDS * Titanium Tetrachloride may burn, but does not readily ignite. * Use dry chemical or CO2 extinguishers. DO NOT USE WATER except in flooding amounts for large fires. * POISONOUS GASES ARE PRODUCED IN FIRE, including Titanium Oxides and Hydrochloric Acid. * CONTAINERS MAY EXPLODE IN FIRE. * If employees are expected to fight fires, they must be trained and equipped as stated in OSHA 1910.156. SPILLS AND EMERGENCIES If Titanium Tetrachloride is spilled or leaked, take the following steps: * Restrict persons not wearing protective equipment from area of spill or leak until clean-up is complete. * Remove all ignition sources. * Ventilate area of spill or leak. * Neutralize spill with lime or soda ash, and absorb liquids in vermiculite, dry sand, earth, or similar material and deposit in sealed containers. * It may be necessary to contain and dispose of Titanium Tetrachloride as a HAZARDOUS WASTE. Contact your state Environmental Program for specific recommendations. * Consult DOT Emergency Response Guidebook for evacuation distances. =========================================== FOR LARGE SPILLS AND FIRES immediately call your fire department. =========================================== HANDLING AND STORAGE * Prior to working with Titanium Tetrachloride you should be trained on its proper handling and storage. * Titanium Tetrachloride must be stored to avoid contact with WATER, POTASSIUM and STRONG OXIDIZERS such as CHLORINE, BROMINE and FLUORINE), since violent reactions may occur and poisonous gases produced. * Store in tightly closed containers in a cool, well-ventilated area away from MOISTURE and AIR. FIRST AID Eye Contact * Immediately flush with large amounts of water. Continue without stopping for at least 30 minutes, occasionally lifting upper and lower lids. Seek medical attention immediately. Skin Contact * Quickly remove contaminated clothing. Immediately wash contaminated skin with large amounts of soap and water. Breathing * Remove the person from exposure. * Begin rescue breathing if breathing has stopped and CPR if heart action has stopped. * Transfer promptly to a medical facility. * Medical observation is recommended for 24 to 48 hours after breathing overexposure, as pulmonary edema may be delayed. OTHER COMMONLY USED NAMES Chemical Name: Titanium Chloride ---------------------------------------- Not intended to be copied and sold for commercial purposes. ---------------------------------------- NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Right to Know Program CN 368, Trenton, NJ 08625-0368 ------------------------------------------ ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Titanium Tetrachloride is a colorless liquid with a penetrating odor. It has been used with potassium bitartrate as a mordant in the textile industry, in dyeing leather, as a smoke producing screen, and in the manufacture of iridescent glass and artificial pearls. It may enter the environment from industrial discharges or spills. ACUTE (SHORT-TERM) ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS Acute toxic effects may include the death of animals, birds, or fish, and death or low growth rate in plants. Acute effects are seen two to four days after animals or plants come in contact with a toxic chemical substance. Insufficient data are available to evaluate or predict the acute, short-term effects of Titanium Tetrachloride to aquatic life, plants, birds, or land animals. CHRONIC (LONG-TERM) ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS Chronic toxic effects may include shortened lifespan, reproductive problems, lower fertility, and changes in appearance or behavior. Chronic effects can be seen long after first exposure(s) to a toxic chemical. Insufficient data are available to evaluate or predict the chronic, long-term effects of Titanium Tetrachloride to aquatic life, plants, birds, or land animals. WATER SOLUBILITY Titanium Tetrachloride has high water solubility. Concentrations of 1,000 milligrams and more will mix with a liter of water. DISTRIBUTION AND PERSISTENCE IN THE ENVIRONMENT Titanium Tetrachloride reacts with water to form Titanium Oxychlorides and Titanium Dioxide. Consequently, Titanium Tetrachloride will not be highly persistent. However, some of the Titanium compounds formed may be persistent. BIOACCUMULATION IN AQUATIC ORGANISMS Some substances increase in concentration, or bioaccumulate, in living organisms as they breathe contaminated air, drink contaminated water, or eat contaminated food. These chemicals can become concentrated in the tissues and internal organs of animals and humans. Titanium Tetrachloride probably will not accumulate in aquatic organisms or in aquatic ecosystems, but Titanium might accumulate in both. SUPPORT DOCUMENT: AQUIRE Database, ERL-Duluth, U.S. EPA. | |
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