From: | "ARC Ecology" <> |
Date: | Fri, 19 Sep 1997 17:44:25 -0700 (PDT) |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | Re: NARAB |
THE NATIONAL CAUCUS OF RESTORATION ADVISORY BOARD COMMUNITY MEMBERS MEETING -- JANUARY 25-26 1997, PHOENIX, ARIZONA SECOND INSTALLMENT OF POSTING: THE PENTAGON'S DEFENSE ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION TASK FORCE (DERTF) MEETING DATE: JANUARY 27-29 1997 LOCATION: PHOENIX, ARIZONA This is the second posting of information on the upcoming RAB Community Member National Caucus in January. As mentioned in yesterday's posting, the RAB Caucus is scheduled to coincide with the meeting of the Pentagon's Defense Environmental Restoration Task Force (DERTF). This posting focuses on the DERTF meeting agenda and its importance to base cleanup and RABs. THE PRELIMINARY AGENDA OF THE JANUARY 1998 DERTF MEETING The following is the preliminary agenda for the DERTF meeting. While not yet finalized, we have enclosed a copy of the agenda to a) provide individuals unfamiliar with DERTF a chance to review the scope of its work; and to b) provide individuals with experience with DERTF the opportunity to begin thinking about the upcoming meeting and how to best utilize the opportunity the forum provides. There are a number of items on the agenda that are very important to RAB members. These items include presentations on: The protection of natural and cultural resources at BRAC installations > Long-term operation/ long-term maintenance and cost reduction > Superfund reform > Information management for BRAC properties* > Cleanup cost reduction strategies > Natural resources damage > The Range Rule > Asbestos at BRAC installations* > Expediting FOST/ FOSL of housing stock* > NGA Federal Facilities Policy > The future of DERTF > Final institutional controls guide* > Early transfer authority* > RAB dissolution > Future land use* The items with asterics identify issues of particular interest to RAB members working on closing installations. Institutional controls, early transfer authority -- which many call dirty transfers, and future land uses policies are fundemental to the interests of RAB members from BRAC sites. While the Range Rule has received attention, other issues such as the timing of the disolution of RABs, Superfund reforms, cleanup cost reduction strategies, and natural resources damage affect all of us but are less visible. But whether your focusing on an open or closing installation, DERTF presents an important opportunity to meet many of the folks that set the policies and priorities. RAB caucuses will continue during the DERTF meeting so that RAB community members can discuss, assess and respond to issues as they present themselves in the meeting. That's it for this posting. What follows is the actual preliminary agenda for the DERTF meeting. Once again thanks for your attention and interest. TOMORROW: THE RAB CAUCUS MEETING AGENDA PRELIMINARY AGENDA OF THE JANUARY DERTF MEETING TUESDAY, 1/27 7:30am Registration 8:00 Executive session: Sherri W. Goodman (Deputy Under Secretary of Defense/ Environmental Security) 9:30 Administrative remarks: Patricia Rivers (Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Cleanup) 9:40 Opening remarks: Ms. Goodman, Task Force Members and Guests 9:50 Welcoming remarks 10:00 Business items: Ms. Rivers Approve June 1997 meeting minutes Review open action items 10:30 Break 11:00 Panel presentation on protection of natural and cultural resources at BRAC installations: USEPA 12:00 Lunch 1:30 Presentation on reuse and property transfer issues at Williams Air Force Base: WAFB LRA 2:15 Presentation on environmental issues at WAFB: Site manager and Acting BEC 3:00 Presentation on the WAFB base reuse success story 3:45 Tour of WAFB 6:30 Return from tour and adjournment WEDNESDAY, 1/28 9:00am Administrative remarks: Ms. Rivers 9:15 Presentation on long-term operation/ long-term maintenance and cost reduction: Army/ Navy 10:30 Superfund reform: USEPA 12:00 Lunch 1:30 Presentation on information management for BRAC properties: Mr. Brian Polly/ GSA 2:30 Presentation on cleanup cost reduction strategies: Army/ Navy 3:30 Break 4:00 Presentation on natural resources damage: USEPA 5:00 Break 6:00 PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: Ms. Goodman 7:30 Adjournment THURSDAY, 1/29 9:00am Administrative remarks: Ms. Rivers 9:15 Discussion of issues papers: Ms. Goodman Measures of merit Range Rule update Asbestos at BRAC installations Expediting FOST/ FOSL of housing stock NGA Federal Facilities Policy Future of DERTF Final institutional controls guide Early transfer authority RAB dissolution Future land use Superfund reform 11:00 FY98 Annual Report: Ms. Goodman 12:00 Lunch 1:30 New business 3:00 Adjournment | |
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