1998 CPEO Military List Archive

From: Laura Olah <olah@speagle.com>
Date: 18 Feb 1998 10:36:53
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: RAB's Business?
Please post.

Lenny and all,
One problem here, at Wisconsin's Badger AAP, is that only those cleanups
covered in the RCRA permit are brought to the attention of the RAB.
Other sites being cleaned up under other authorities (ususally the
State's) are, the Army says, not pertinent to the RAB.
Of further concern, documents pertinent to these "other" cleanups are
usually not placed in the public repositories, consequently the
community often finds out a remedy has been approved and/or initiated
after the fact. [An example of an "excluded" cleanup is a fuel oil

Question: Is there anything in DOD's RAB guidance that gives the
facility (in this case the Army) unilateral authority to decide which
cleanups are under RAB "jurisdiction" or not? Where can we find
documentation to support our desire to be involved in ALL cleanups at
the base?

Laura Olah, Executive Director
Citizens for Safe Water Around Badger
E12629 Weigand's Bay South
Merrimac, Wisconsin 53561
Phone (608)643-3124 Fax (608)643-0005
Website http://www.speagle.com/cswab


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