1998 CPEO Military List Archive

From: marylia <marylia@igc.org>
Date: 12 Mar 1998 16:41:58
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: DOE Cleanup Plan/Livermore Lab
Beyond Flawed: the DOE's Latest Cleanup Plan
by Marylia Kelley

from Tri-Valley CARE's March 1998 newsletter, Citizen's Watch

Remember DOE's "Ten year Plan" last year? Remember that it proposed to
leave five times the pollution at Livermore Lab than is allowed by current
laws and legally-binding cleanup agreements? Recall that we complained
vigorously? Recollect that DOE responded by changing the name of the plan
to "Focus on 2006"? And, that it still proposed a five-fold relaxation of
cleanup standards for solvents in the groundwater beneath the Lab? Recall
that we responded, again?

Well, it's back. Sporting yet another name, "Paths to Closure," the DOE
plan contains the same inaccurate and illegal assumptions, unfounded
assertions and deaf-ear approach to public participation as the two earlier
drafts. And, for the Lab, it still proposes reneging on cleanup

Change the plan, not just its name

In response to our objections, DOE said this month: oops, it's an error
that it still mentions cleaning up solvents to 25 parts per billion (ppb)
instead of the 5 ppb drinking water standard. DOE says that the plan's
direct reference to 25 ppb will be changed. But, then, DOE's Roger Liddle
also told the Valley Times, the agency will "continue to work toward the
kind of computer modeling and analysis that makes a case for the right
level-be that 5 ppb or 25 ppb." DOE, what part of 5 ppb don't you

It is important for "we the people" to tell DOE that we consider real
cleanup a priority, and that the agency must request the funding necessary
to comply with all environmental laws and commitments. Moreover, DOE should
conduct the cleanup Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement it pledged
to pursue in 1990, and for which DOE faces a contempt trial in federal
court. (See also article on page 4.)

Join us at a public meeting Tuesday, April 7 from 6 PM-8:30 PM in downtown
Oakland. Or write to DOE, Attn: Jim Davis, 1301 Clay St., Oakland, CA

Marylia Kelley
Tri-Valley CAREs (Citizens Against a Radioactive Environment)
Peace - Justice - Environment since 1983
5720 East Ave. #116, Livermore, CA USA 94550
(510) 443-7148 - phone
(510) 443-0177 - fax

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