1998 CPEO Military List Archive

From: Aimee Houghton <aimeeh@cpeo.org>
Date: 08 Jul 1998 11:42:12
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Re: Institutional Controls & the Constitution
Wednesday, 8 July 1998
From: Dick and Jill Miller <DMiller@gis.net>
Organization: Miller Microcomputer Services

> Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 21:34:30 -0500
> From: Steven Pollack <themissinglink@eznetinc.com>
> Reply-To: steve@familyjeweler.com
> Organization: The Missing Link
> To: lsiegel@cpeo.org
> (Lenny, please post)
> Yes, lets just fence off all the sections of the United
> States which contain contamination. Lets destroy future freedoms of
> life,
> liberty, and the pursuit of happiness on (X)% of the USA. Is 5%
> acceptable? 10%, 20%, 30%? Again we reduce environmental hazards to
> local
> issues when we had just begun to understand that they are regional and
> global in nature.

Thank you, Steve and Lenny, for defending what too many apologists have
nearly given away -- our RIGHT to a good environment. The long-range
values too often get washed away in the "need" for early, "practical"
solutions. Now the political call is to wash away that right, as well.

Finally, the United States is talking about assigning disposal costs
back to the purveyors of excessive packaging. A commitment to cleaning
up our worst wastes, instead of paving them over, is similarly overdue.

Cheers from
--Dick Miller <DMiller@gis.net>
--Citizen Member, SSCOM RAB (U.S. Army Natick Labs in Natick, MA)
Mailto:DMiller@gis.net | 61 Lake Shore Road |
Web: http://www.gis.net/~dmiller/ | Natick, MA 01760-2099, USA |
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