1999 CPEO Military List Archive

From: Steven Pollack <themissinglink@eznetinc.com>
Date: Tue, 18 May 1999 09:35:42 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Re: Fort Ord RAB
"3. The Fort Ord RAB has repeatedly been mired in procedural disputes. In
1997, we (CPEO) were invited in to mediate. After some initial success,
our efforts broke down. In October, 1997 we recommended the suspension of
the Fort Ord RAB. Back in 1997 we posted our reports on this listserver,
so I will not re-post them know. If you want copies of our reports, please
check CPEO's Web archive, or e-mail me a request."


This paragraph is very disturbing to me.  Are you saying that because the
RAB and the Army cannot see eye to eye on procedural matters, that you
personally reccomended the RAB's suspension?  That seems so out of
character for you.

I have a longstanding dispute with the Army's plans to cap Landfill 7 and
I do not feel like the communities comments were effectively or
substantively addressed in the Army responses in the FS.  Would you
advocate disbanding the RAB here also because the Army chooses to do what
they want regardless of public opinion?  Why not disband the BRAC process
and give control over to the citizens who will live with the toxins?  Why
do you come down on the RAB for a failure to agree?

Steven Pollack

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