1999 CPEO Military List Archive

From: "Johnston, Carrie R" <CJohnston@theitgroup.com>
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 1999 17:29:30 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: RE: Off-Base Sampling

To add to your collection of responses:
There is a great deal of Off- Base sampling being done around Norton AFB in
San Bernardino CA, but this is more than likely due to other nearby
Superfund groundwater plumes being monitored in conjunction with the Norton
AFB plume.  Also there are a few different water purveyors / community wells
on all sides of the Base, who are concerned about the plume contaminating
their drinking water source. The various plumes have been impacting one of
California's largest drinking water basins, serving San Bernardino and Los
Angeles Counties.

I would assume this scenario would be common at other Bases in largely
populated areas, where groundwater/public drinking water is threatened by
more than one potential source due to our nation's past practice of dumping
used solvents in unlined areas.

- Carrie

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