1999 CPEO Military List Archive

From: marylia@earthlink.net
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 10:06:39 -0800 (PST)
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: [CPEO-MEF] New stuff! On Tri-Valley CAREs Website!
Greetings environmental cleanup advocates.

Tri-Valley CAREs now has the October issue of its newsletter, Citizen's
Watch, ready for your viewing pleasure on its website at

You will find such stories as:

*       "Criticality Accident in Japan Revives Memories at Livermore."
Read all about the 1963 criticality accident at Livermore Lab, including
one worker's first-hand account of the shocking "cleanup operation" that
followed the accident.

*       "The National Ignition Facility: Over Budget and Under Fire."
Get the latest scoop on this beleaguered nuclear weapons facility,
including the advent of a GAO investigation into cost overruns, technical
difficulties, schedule slips and mismanagement. Read, too, about Livermore
Lab's "fall-back"  proposal.

*       "Print Bites"
Don't miss these short items on subcritical nuclear testing, DOE
reorganization, radioactive metal recycling and plutonium in Livermore.

*       Late-breaking news items, calendar section, opportunities to get
involved with Tri-Valley CAREs and more!

* Also, take our pop quiz on nukes, pollution and Livermore Lab, then click
on for answers.   * Look through back issues of our newsletter.   * Check
out our action alerts, fact sheets etc.   * And, while you are there,
download artwork and text to make your very own nuclear weapons de-alerting
postcards. Enjoy!


Marylia Kelley
Tri-Valley CAREs
(Communities Against a Radioactive Environment)
2582 Old First Street
Livermore, CA USA 94550

<http://www.igc.org/tvc/> - is our web site, please visit us there!

(925) 443-7148 - is our phone
(925) 443-0177 - is our fax

Working for peace, justice and a healthy environment since 1983, Tri-Valley
CAREs has been a member of the nation-wide Alliance for Nuclear
Accountability in the U.S. since 1989, and is a co-founding member of the
international Abolition 2000 network for the elimination of nuclear

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