From: | |
Date: | Tue, 11 Jan 2000 15:01:11 -0800 (PST) |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | [CPEO-MEF] New environmental violations alleged at Utah chemical weaponsincine |
--============_-1264480890==_ma============ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" CHEMICAL WEAPONS WORKING GROUP PO Box 467 Berea, KY 40403 606-986-7565 606-986-2695 for further information: Craig Williams (606) 986-7565 Bob Schaeffer (941) 395-6773 Mick Harrison (606) 321-1586 for use after 1pm EST, Tues. Jan. 11, 2000 news conference NEW WHISTLEBLOWER SAYS U.S. ARMY ENGAGED IN FRAUD, CORRUPTION; HID ENVIRONMENTAL VIOLATIONS TO WIN UTAH CHEM. WEAPONS INCINERATOR PERMIT; EX-TOOELE PERMIT HEAD SAYS JOB THREATENED TO GET COOPERATION The former Permit Coordinator at the U.S. Army's Tooele, Utah, chemical weapons incinerator today revealed his job was threatened unless he agreed to submit false data and withhold vital environmental information to get that controversial facility licensed. Speaking at a National Press Club news conference, Gary E. Harris, said, "Many questionable practices that were not environmentally protective, safe or legal occurred at Tooele during my five years of employment there, and many documents were submitted to Utah regulators by the Army and its contractors that were dishonest or misleading. As Permit Coordinator I was directed to submit modifications to the plant that did not comply with Federal Law. I reported health, safety and environmental issues to the contractor and the Army which I was directed not to bring to the attention of the State under the threat of losing my job." Mr. Harris provided a list of more than 100 improper activities at Tooele, allegations he has sworn to under oath in a deposition for a Utah legal proceeding challenging the plant's hazardous waste operating permit. Among his specific charges: * Political influence was applied by the Army to "fix" Utah process to cover-up dangerous practices and avoid public review and comment. Utah permit did not reflect facility actually built; * The plant's Health Risk Assessment was politically adjusted to obtain desired results by removal of data about people living and farming close to the incineration facilities; * Incinerator trial burns were falsified to avoid revealing that Metal Parts Furnace incinerator cannot safely burn the jelled agent found in many munitions and containers; * Data was manipulated to conceal fact that agent was not staying in Deactivation Furnace long enough to be destroyed; * Information was purposefully withheld from the regulators that a key component of planned agent destruction process, the dunnage incinerator designed to handle agent contaminated material like protective suits, could not work; * Staff were directed not to incorporate "lessons learned" from other facilities, such as the fact that the incinerators could not completely incinerate mustard agent, into the Tooele design and not to contact any sites under construction to share information on problems; * Agent residues were improperly disposed of off-site; and * Nearby communities never agreed to provide emergency response for accidents as required by permit was ignored; The Tooele chemical weapons incinerator, the only such facility on the U.S. mainland and the model for similar plants slated for construction in Arkansas, Oregon, Alabama, Colorado, and Kentucky has been severely criticized by former plant officials and citizen groups. Tooele's former Safety Manager, Steve Jones, was terminated for refusing to certify that the facility was safe but returned to his job after the U.S. Department of Labor found that he had been illegally fired for having raised safety and environmental concerns. Subsequently, the plant's General Manager, Gary Millar, resigned charging that the Tooele incinerator remained unsafe. Then the plant's hazardous waste manager Trina Allen was forced to resign after raising concerns about environmental violations at the facility. A Department of Labor judge ruled in favor of Ms. Allen on her whistleblower retaliation complaint. Mick Harrison, the lawyer representing Mr. Harris added, "Gary Harris' revelations demonstrate that the U.S. Army has knowingly violated the law, covered up known dangers, and corruptly influenced state agencies to proceed recklessly with a technology they know does not work. This is unacceptable behavior in any circumstances, but particularly risky in the area of chemical weapons destruction." Craig Williams, national spokesman for the Chemical Weapons Working Group, a coalition supporting non-incineration technologies, concluded, "The Army's incineration program is another 'Paducah' in the making. Workers are being exposed, dangerous agents are being emitted, and government agencies are conspiring to cover up the mess. The Toelle plant should be shut down immediately and construction of similar facilities halted." - - 3 0 - - A background kit including a chronology of problems in the Army's incineration program, Mr. Harris' list of significant safety, health and environmental problems at the Tooele facility, and other information is available on request. Elizabeth Crowe Chemical Weapons Working Group Non-Stockpile Chemical Weapons Citizens Coalition (606) 986-0868 fax: (606) 986-2695 You can find archived listserve messages on the CPEO website at If this email has been forwarded to you and you'd like to subscribe, please send a message to: _____________________________________________________________ Keep up with breaking news! Join our Hot Topics list. | |
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