From: | Lenny Siegel <> |
Date: | Fri, 14 Jan 2000 09:16:53 -0800 (PST) |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | [CPEO-MEF] "Canaries on the Rim" publicity tour |
Utah Activist Chip Ward is planning a tour of California to promote his new book, "CANARIES ON THE RIM - Living Downwind in the West." The press release describing the book follows below. LS CANARIES ON THE RIM PUBLICITY TOUR Los Angeles Area Monday, January 24th -- 7 pm Education 2000, Long Beach Contact: Marie 562 435-1199 Tuesday, January 25th -- KPFK 'Up For Air' Live interview from 8.40 am to 9 am. KPCC 'Talk of the City' Live interview from 10 am to 10.30 am. 7.30 pm Midnight Special, Santa Monica Contact: Margie Ghiz 310 393 2923 Bay Area Wednesday, January 26th -- 7.30 pm Modern Times, San Francisco Contact: Brenda O'Sullivan 415 282 7025 Thursday, January 27th -- 7.30 pm Cody's Books, Berkeley Contact: Miriam Ruvinskies 510 845 0837 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Publication date: January 6, 1999 Contact: Niels Hooper 212 807 9680 CANARIES ON THE RIM Living Downwind in the West CHIP WARD "A highly readable addition to the growing body of writing on the toxicity of our environment."KIRKUS REVIEWS "This book is a must-read. For the beauty of the nature writing, for the humor, the intelligence, and the details on a community organization becoming a national power. My only criticism is the short length. The experience of Chip Ward needs a series of books detailing his successes and failures. We could all learn from him."SIERRA CLUB "Take out a quarter and look at George Washington's eye. If you can cover it with nerve agent, you've got a lethal dose." So explains a worker from Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah, on the rim of the Great Basin Desert, where one accident during open-air chemical warfare practice in 1968 killed 6,400 sheep in a neighboring valley. Then, Dugway's civilian workers were routinely exposed to nerve gas, radiation, and pathogens. Their health was sacrificed to Cold War fears and reckless ambitions. Today, there is compelling evidence that a new generation of workers is also being exposed to nerve agent while incinerating that era's obsolete chemical weapons stockpile. The bunkers that hold those apocalyptic weapons and the smokestacks that vent their destruction occupy the remote reaches of western Utah. Those desert lands also hide the nation's dirtiest industrial polluter, two toxic waste incinerators, a hazardous waste landfill, a radioactive waste landfill, a bombing range, and a proposed repository for spent nuclear fuel. Imagine such a place. It is hard to see, out of sight and out of mind. This is Chip Ward's backyard. After four years living and learning in the heart of Utah's vast and spectacular redrock wilderness, Chip and Linda Ward moved north to the bucolic oasis of Grantsville. There, in what seemed a classic small town American setting, they settled in to raise their children and pursue modest careers as a librarian and a teacher. They did not suspect that underneath the complacent Norman Rockwell-like façade of their community lay a history of ecocide and betrayal. During the 1950's, deadly DNA-bending radiation from a hundred above ground atomic tests in Nevada drifted over Utah's quiet valleys and peaceful Mormon villages. From Dugway, nearly 200 uncontained chemical and biological warfare tests sowed the wind with nerve agent and pathogens. Later, chlorine gas from an infamous industrial operation was added to the mix. Eventually, people got sick. Canaries on the Rim is the story of how Ward and his neighbors uncovered the hidden history of military testing and its dire impact on public health. Mike Davis, the book's editor and author of The Ecology of Fear, has compared Grantsville's slow realization that something was wrong to the plot of a Stephen King novel. Canaries on the Rim is also a story of grassroots resistance that Lois Gibbs, Love Canal activist and founder of the Center for Health, Environment, and Justice, calls "inspiring." It is, in the words of Rebecca Solnit, author of Savage Dreams: A Journey Into the Landscape Wars of the American West, "the new classic tale of American heroism," told "with modesty, humor, proportion, and a fine mastery of the scientific and political intricacies." Chip Ward claims that sustained citizen resistance requires a resilient sense of humor and his hard hitting account is also spiced with wit and local color. It is enlivened with memorable characters, like Ira Rennert, the mysterious and reclusive millionaire who is America's top polluter. Rennert's minions fume that pollution control technology at his Utah plant is too expensive to invest in while he builds a villa so vast that even his rich and exclusive neighbors are offended by its excesses. Or there is Margene Bullcreek, leader of a poor band of Goshute Indian "traditionals" who refuse to trade away their native heritage to become millionaires. And there is Steve Jones, a star defense industry inspector who turned whistleblower and sacrificed his career and fortune when asked to sign off on a military incinerator he called "death by design." This is not your father's Wild West. As Carl Pope, Executive Director of the Sierra Club, says, "Chip Ward vividly portrays a very different reality." There are cowboys in gas masks who sell breakfast cereal for two-headed babies to boiling frogs. Canaries on the Rim is a wild ride through territory that is becoming familiar as we remember our places in a world where we are all downwind and downstream from one another, where the collective decisions we make about what we allow into our air, water, and soil get translated into flesh and blood, and where courage and compassion can still save the day. Chip Ward is a co-founder of West Desert HEAL, Families Against Incinerator Risk, and Citizens Against Chlorine Contamination. He currently manages Utah's public library program. He is the author of Community Needs Assessment for Public Libraries, The Public Library Trustee Handbook, The Utah Library Association Intellectual Freedom Manual and Action Guide, and Building a Public Library PR & Advocacy Plan. He lives in Grantsville, Utah, with his wife and three children. Publication: January 6, 1999 ISBN: 1-85984-750-1 Cloth $25 US / $35 CAN -- Lenny Siegel Director, Center for Public Environmental Oversight c/o PSC, 222B View St., Mountain View, CA 94041 Voice: 650/961-8918 or 650/969-1545 Fax: 650/968-1126 You can find archived listserve messages on the CPEO website at If this email has been forwarded to you and you'd like to subscribe, please send a message to: _____________________________________________________________ Check out the new and improved Topica site! | |
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